Real Flirt - Bucky

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To say you were a flirt would be an understatement. There was nothing you liked more than making people blush with embarrassment and hide their faces shyly. Almost every second sentence was some kind of flirt or inuendo, other times you smack one of the team members on the butt if they were bent over, giggling like a 3 year old when they'd jump in fright. 

So when the strong, silent Bucky Barnes came to the compound, well this was a challenge you were looking forward to. Now you started of small, the odd comment about his looks - which were damn fine in your opinion - or him working out. But it just wasn't getting the reaction you were looking for, you wanted full on red cheeks and ears, and stuttering. You needed to up your game. 

You were in the gym, you were working out until Bucky started his squats with the weight bar. Well... if you didn't make a comment it just wouldn't have been you. 

"Ya know what I think, Buck?" You said tilting your head to get a better look at his spectacular arse.

"What's that, Doll?" He started calling you that about a month after he got here, you just chalked it up to it being normal for someone from his era.

"That I could bounce a nickel off that fine ass of yours."

Bucky shook his head, but kept his blush under control. He knew your game, he'd be informed upon arrival thanks to Steve about your antics. But if he was completely honesty, he loved it, and while he's being honest, he loved you. You were like a breath of fresh air, you didn't treat him like a deer that would spook at any sudden movement, you treated him like everyone else.

"I'm flattered that you think that way about my ass, Doll."

"Oh I think a lot of things about you, not just your ass." You stood up and walked over to your water bottle and towel that were on the other side of the room in front of Bucky. "Sometimes I wonder what everything looks like underneath all that." You gestured to his lower regions where his gym shorts were sitting low and baggy on his hips.

Still no real blush.

Bucky said nothing but move to lay back on the bench and proceeded to do chest presses, his eyes occasionally glancing your way. Now you were getting frustrated, but there's no way you were gonna let on that you were, Bucky was proving to be a far bigger challenge than you'd first thought. You'd tried everything shy of throwing yourself at him and sucking his face off, but you weren't quite that desperate yet. But you had one last idea, and he's was in just the right place to do it. God forbid this didn't work you'd concede defeat and spend the rest of your life knowing you couldn't make Bucky Barnes blush.

"What are you thinking about?" Bucky asked.

You bit back a smirk as you swaggered towards him, shamelessly eyeing him up. "Oh, you know, angles."

"Angles?" Bucky questioned between reps.

"Yeah, like which angle you'd look best from. I was thinking on top buuut..." You casually swung one leg over Bucky so that you were straddling his waist. By now Bucky's eyes were wide and he looked a little nervous or terrified, you couldn't tell. "I think you'd look great underneath me too." 

Finally. Bucky was redder than Tony's suit, the blush spread from his cheeks, to his ears, and down his neck. The poor guy couldn't get a word out as his struggled to place the bar back above him. You threw your fist up in the air and cheered.

"Yes! She does it again!" You were so caught up in your celebrations you barely noticed Bucky shifting and sitting up with you still across his lap. 


You paused and looked at Bucky, but instead were met with warm, rough lips against your own. Now this you weren't prepared for, and you weren't gonna lie, you had a thing for the ex-soldier. Bucky pulled away before you could respond, he left you the way you left everyone else; bright red and spluttering.

"You're a real flirt, you know that, Doll?" The grin on his face was boyish and cheeky.

When your composure finally returned you shrugged with your usual casualty, "It's one of my many gifts."

"Really? Any others I should know about?" Bucky wondered with a raised eyebrow.

You slowly walked you fingers up his metal arm to his shoulder and further. "Well, I've been told kissing is one of them. And the others... wouldn't you like to know." The look on your face was pretty suggestive as your e/c eyes switched between his lips and eyes.

Bucky leaned in again, this time slower, his eyes mirroring yours. "I think I would."

Your lips met again, this time slower and more passionate as your fingers racked through his messy hair. His wandered up and down your back, pulling you closer until you were pressed flush against each other. You pulled away first, your teeth tugging just lightly on his bottom lip that was red and swollen.

"Well," Bucky breathed, "If your kissing skills are anything to go by, I'm a damn lucky man."

You raised an eyebrow at him as he merely smiled at you. "Well I guess you kiss better than most, and with an ass like that, sweetheart you can sign me up for the long run."    

Bucky grinned wider and squeezed your thigh. "Well I guess I've got some work to do."

You weren't sure how long the two of you spent in that gym, but it was some damn good work he was doing and you sure weren't complaining. 

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