Stupid Boy - Tony Stark

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Based on Keith Urban's Stupid Boy 

Well, she was precious like a flower
She grew wild, wild but innocent
A perfect prayer in a desperate hour
She was everything beautiful and different

Tony had met many a woman in his time, but no one like you. He'd been used to a particular calibre of woman; tall, legs a mile long, supermodel bodies, and revealing dresses. But the day he walked into the engineering lab at Stark Industries, something hit him like a freight train. Your were the only one in on a Sunday morning, dark circles under your eyes, indents on your cheek from where you'd no doubt fallen asleep on your papers overnight, jeans and a Meatloaf t-shirt on, and your tongue poking out of you mouth as you concentrated on your design. Even in your messy and tired appearance, Tony thought you were the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. 

Stupid boy, you can't fence that in
Stupid boy, it's like holding back the wind
She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
Stupid boy, stupid boy

It took a while, but Tony had finally convinced you to become a partner to him with a lot of his inventions, including working with his Iron Man technology. You were reluctant at first believing that you were in no way adequate, but Tony had been so impressed by your knowledge and designs he practically begged you to work with him. Eventually you relented and the start of a beautiful friendship was formed. Of course Tony was banking on more than just friendship, but he learnt fast that you weren't the hit and quit type. 

He remembered the first time he hit on you with his signature line that would have had any other woman putty in his hands. But to his shock, you snorted then asked "How long'd it take you to come up with that one?"

In that moment Tony made it his mission to romance the hell out of you and prove to you that he could hold a serious relationship. You couldn't remember exactly why you agreed to a date with him, let alone a second and third, but Tony had surprise you with the changes in his behaviour and you'd fallen in love with the genius billionaire. 

So what made you think you could take a life
And just push it push it around
I guess to build yourself up so high
You had to take her and break her down

But despite his changes, Tony was Tony and his ego and controlling nature was beginning to show. The first sign was when you were discussing how to modify his repulsors to use less of the suit's power but still cause the same amount of damage. You made a simple suggestion, to which Tony immediately shut you down saying that your idea would never work and was ridiculous. At first you brushed it off, you chalked that one up to exhaustion and stress. But it began to happen more and more often. You tried your best to hide the hurt, but everyone has their breaking point.

She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
You stupid boy

Everything started to seem as though it was his way or the highway. But the hardest part was knowing he loved you and you loved him. He still never failed to romance you with candle lit dinners, fancy gifts, and heart stopping kisses. But you wanted the respect in your work that you deserved. You had so many dreams and aspirations when you first began your career at Stark Industries, but now everything had been set aside or shot down by Tony. You tried talking to him about it, but he just brushed it off and made excuses, then took you out to dinner to soften you up again. This wasn't healthy, for either of you and you knew it, so when the job offer in London came, you decided you were going to take it.

"What the hell, Y/N?! You're taking another job in London? What about us? Are you not in love with me anymore?" 

"Bullshit, Tony. You know I love you, but I can't spend another minute being second fiddle to you anymore. You promised we're partners in work and in life, but it's like everything work related that comes out of my mouth you think is completely stupid!" You knew this was going to end in an argument as much as you didn't want it to. But the problem with bottling up feelings for so long, is they all rush out at once. "Everything I ever wanted out of my career I have put on hold because I love you, but I can't do it anymore, Tony. I can't just sit there and let you make me feel like an idiot then think a romantic dinner is gonna fix it!" 

"Well if that's how you feel, then maybe you should leave!" It had been the heat of the moment and Tony's pride that made those words shoot out of his mouth, and it would take you storming out of his life to release he just lost you indefinitely.  

Oh, you always had to be right but now you've lost
The only thing that ever made you feel alive
Yeah, yeah

Three months you'd been gone. Three months Tony  spent lying awake at night half cut and hating himself. He tried calling you a hundred times the night after you walked out, but as much as it hurt you, you couldn't bring yourself to pick up the phone. The pain was still too fresh and things were just too close. You put your heart and soul into Tony, and it nearly killed you to lose him, but if you stayed you would have lost yourself instead.

Well, she laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
Yes, you did
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
You stupid boy, oh, I'm the same old
Same old stupid boy

It took awhile for her to figure out she could run
But when she did, she was long gone, long gone

You were working in your lab now fully settled into your new job and you loved every minute of it. Your colleagues were welcoming and wonderful, but you were distant on some occasions. You were running through some calculations when a knock on your lab door distracted you. "Come in!" 

The glass door swung open and Charlie, another engineer who's lab was next to yours strolled in. "Hey, Y/N, Lisa said this was left for you at reception, asked if I could drop it off for you. Have you got a secret boyfriend or something you've not told us about?" 

Any concentration on your work was forgotten as Charlie placed a small bouquet of (your favourite flower) on the bench in front of you. Your furrowed your brows at the flowers as you plucked the envelope from amidst the petals. 

"Any ideas who it might be from?" Charlie asked, there was a hint of jealousy in his voice. You were fairly sure the man fancied you, he'd flirted with you a few times and you guys would take your lunch breaks together on the few occasions you tear yourself away from your work long enough to eat something that didn't come out of a microwave. But you never reciprocated his advances, you weren't risking history repeating itself.

You inspected the way your name was written on the front. It was written with such care, but you'd recognise that hand writing anywhere. "I have no clue." You lied smoothly, you didn't need anyone knowing about your private life. "Maybe my Aunt? She used to send me flowers for my birthday." 

Satisfied with your response, Charlie left you be to read the contents on your own. A lump formed in your throat as you opened the envelope with shaky hands. Your eyes blurred with tears as they read the words over and over, your heart ache only increasing. Tony certainly had a way with words, enough to leave tear stains on the smooth paper smudging the word 'sorry'. But this wasn't something Tony's silver tongue could fix so easily.

It's funny how it took your leaving for Tony to realise what a fool he'd been. A stupid boy. 

Ah, she's gone, she's long gone.
Yes, she's gone

Nobody's ever gonna love me like she loved me
And she loved me, she loved me
God please, just let her know
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Baby, yeah, I'm down on my knees
She's never coming back to me  

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