Things You Do For Love - Steve

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You were practically skipping down the hall, your h/c hair bouncing behind you. You were in that good of a mood, you found yourself twirling on occasion, your white lab coat flaring around your legs. You were a doctor, specifically you were the resident doctor for the Avengers. It was your job to patch them up and get them back on their feet. Whether it was pulling out a bullet, or curing the common cold, it was your responsibility to keep them in perfect health. 

"You're incredibly chipper today, Y/n." Steve commented as you walked into your office.

"Well it's only cause I'm so in love," you replied, pressing a quick kiss to your fiancé's cheek. Yep, you and the Captain were engaged after a year and a half long relationship. In fact your wedding was in less than a fortnight.

"Well of course there's that, I mean c'mon it's me." Steve grinned as you rolled your eyes.

"You've been spending too much time with Tony, he's having a bad influence on you," You said, poking his chest with your pen.

"Alright, all kidding aside, what's got you in such a good mood?"

"Y/b/n is coming home today," You practically squealed, you could barely contain the excitement in your voice knowing that your big brother was coming home in time for your big day.

Your brother was a Navy Seal and had been on deployment for the past five months. His flight was due in that afternoon and you were so happy to see him again. You and y/b/n were very close, you'd grown up without parents and he'd practically raised you. To have him there when you and Steve tied the knot was the best thing you could possibly ask for. He was supposed to be giving you away. And he was more than happy to knowing the guy he was letting marry you was Steve. He respected the guy and knew he would treat you better than any other man could, and God help him if he hurt you.

"That's great, Doll." Steve wrapped you in a hug, he knew how much it meant to you to have your brother there.

You were pulled from you embrace by your phone buzzing violently in you coat pocket. Y/b/n name flashed on the screen as you brought the device to your ear.

"Hey Tango!" You chirp, using you favourite nickname for him. Tango and Cash had been a favourite of both of your's growing up, and you had a childhood crush on Kurt Russel, so hence the names kinda stuck.

"Hey Cash, how you doing bride-to-be?" 

You could tell straight away something was up, you could hear it in his voice as much as he tried to hide it you knew him too well.

"Yeah I'm great, Steve's here too, he says hi." You acknowledged seeing Steve waved his hand next to you. "Y/b/n says 'hi' back," you said to Steve who grinned as you returned to your conversation. "So what's up?"

"Yeah... um listen Y/n, I'm not gonna be coming home tonight."

You swallowed, you had a feeling you knew where this was going. "Ok, if not tonight, then when?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. They've extended my deployment, they're saying another month at least. I'm so sorry, but I'm not gonna make it home in time for your wedding. I'm so sorry." The guilt and remorse was as clear as day in his voice.

You closed you eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose in an attempt to control the tears that we welling in the corner of your e/c eyes. You were mildly aware of Steve's warm hands coming to rest on your shoulders. "So they're not even gonna let you come home early? Or even just for the couple of days?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I've tried everything but the assholes aren't budging."

"No, it's ok. Listen, um I've gotta go, but stay safe ok?" Your words were disjointed and shaky, but you did your best to stay strong over the phone. The last thing you want was for Y/b/n to feel any worse than he already was.

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