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~~~1 Month Later~~~
The snow had finally stopped and had melted away a little bit, though the air was still cold. As you walked down the stairs that day, you felt uneasy at the silence. You could usually hear some form of noise: Ivan talking to someone, Ivan talking to himself, his singing or his playing the piano, but this morning there was nothing but silence. As you entered the front room, you noticed a small note on the table in the centre. Dear Miss Kirkland, I have been asked to rush to the barracks and I do not know when I will be back. Please feel free to help yourself to anything. Ivan. You sighed as you placed the note back down and looked around the room, already feeling alone in the large house.  After an hour of sitting around reading and drinking tea, you sighed deeply, closed your book and looked out of the large window, soon remembering the gate at the end of the garden. You hesitated for a few moments, wandering whether or not you should leave the house unattended. However you soon stood from the chair, wrapped your coat around your shoulders and left the house, making sure you locked the door behind you and placed the large old key in your pocket. You walked down the garden path and slowly lifted the latch on the gate, the loud squeak caused you to close your eyes and frown until the gate was fully open. You stepped out and closed it behind you, smiling as you looked out at the large open fields before you, the snow clung to the grass below and created a pure white carpet. As you turned and walked into the woods, the air became more close and your chest became tighter. The air in the woods was thick and the dense trees blocked out much of the winter sun. You had been walking for around half an hour when you heard an odd sound coming from a short while away, you instantly put your hand on the small gun in your pocket-it was a present Arthur had given you when the war had first started so you could always protect yourself. He gave you shooting lessons, though you hoped you never had to actually use it. As you quietly walked forward a little distance you gasped when you saw a man lying on his back on a patch of grass, his arms were behind his head and his legs were stretched out far in front of him. You watched him for a while, unsure of who he was or what he was doing there.
"You can come out of the bushes, you know?" The man said, you went wide eyed and quickly looked around you, finding only you and the man in the woods. When you faced forward again his eyes were still closed and he was laid down. "I know you're there. You really think I'd take a nap in enemy land without having good senses?" Enemy land? You started to panic when you realised the man must be from the German army, judging by his accent. You stepped out of the bushes and held the gun in front of you, your hands shook as you tried to keep it aimed at his head. When he opened his eyes and sat up, he laughed a little. "You'd really shoot me? What did I do, huh?"
"W-who are you?" You asked, he looked up at you with one eyebrow raised as he looked you up and down, remaining silent.
"You're not Russian, are you?" He asked, you shook your head as he nodded. "Lower the gun. I won't hurt you, Scouts honour." For a few moments you kept the gun aimed at his head, before your hand slowly moved down and you put the gun back in your pocket. "Come, sit down with me. Want some beer?" You raised one eyebrow as you slowly sat down opposite the man, not taking your eyes off him as he turned, rummaged in his backpack and handed you a bottle of beer. The writing was in German and you couldn't understand it. "I'm not going to poison you, just drink it." You nodded and opened the bottle, smelling it a little before you took a drink. Sure enough, it was just beer. "So, who are you?"
"I'm not just going to tell a German my name. Do you think I'm stupid?" You asked as you took another drink before setting the bottle beside you. The man laughed and nodded as he took a drink from his own. The man didn't look like the other German soldiers you had seen, his skin was much paler, his hair was a bright white and his eyes were almost red.
"Well, shows how much you know. I'm not German, Miss Smarty-Pants. I'm Prussian." He replied with a smile, you laughed a little and nodded. He sighed and held out one hand to you, causing you to raise one eyebrow again. "If it makes your feel any better, I'm Gilbert Bielschmidt. Soldier in the Prussian Army." You laughed a little and shook the man's hand as you nodded.
"Fine. (name) Kirkland." You told him, he nodded and smiled before taking another drink from his beer. "What are you doing o out here, anyway?" He turned to look at you and smiled.
"I wanted some time away. My brother is a major pain in the ass when it comes to the war and battle plans, I need some time away from the whole thing. What about you?"
"I'm staying with a friend for a while. I was injured a few months ago and my brother thinks I should stay out here. I wanted to get away myself for an hour. I love being outdoors." You told him, he smiled and nodded as he listened to you.
"Where were you injured?" He asked, you sighed as you removed your coat, undid the top three buttons of your blouse and showed Gilbert the gunshot wound on your shoulder. He went wide eyed and moved forward a little, bringing his hand forward before he stopped. "May I...?" You nodded and shivered slightly when his cold finger tips move across the puckered skin of the bullet wound. "How did it happen?"
"I was shot by an Italian soldier. A small guy with Brown hair, I don't remember much but, I know this is going to sound odd, but I swear I saw him crying." You told him, you noticed Gilbert's face drop as you spoke and his eyes went a little wide. "Is everything okay?" He slowly nodded and took a large drink from his beer.
"Yeah...I can just imagine it must have been scary for you." He told told you, you sighed and nodded before you took a drink of your beer. For another hour, you and Gilbert spoke about anything: your home countries, your likes and dislikes, books you had both read, music you both liked, anything but the war. For a while you almost forgot the war was on going. When the sun was almost set, you stood with a groan, as did Gilbert. "Well, it was nice to meet yourself, Kirkland. Maybe...we can see each other again?" You smiled and nodded.
"Maybe, it was nice to not talk about the war." You said, he nodded and smiled before he shook your hand once again. "Goodbye, Bielschmidt." With that, you walked back towards the house and Gilbert walked in the opposite direction. You managed to remove your coat and boots, light a fire and make some tea before the door opened and Ivan stepped in with a deep sigh. When he walked into the front room he smiled to you and stood in front of the fire to warm his hands. "How was your day?"
"Not so bad. Just more battle plans. Your Brother sends his love and says he will visit when he can." Ivan told you, thanking you when you handed him a cup of tea. "How was your day?"
"All right, I just had a walk around the grounds. Have you ever been into those woods behind the house?" You asked, Ivan's face instantly went pale and he shook his head.
"(name), promise me you won't ever go into those woods. Not until this fighting is over." He told you, you slowly nodded and felt your throat grow dry. "There is a German settlement a distance away from the wall at then other side of the trees, I don't want your to fall into trouble." You slowly nodded and took a drink from your tea. When Ivan had finished his, he smiled as he placed it down on the table. "I'm going to take a bath, I will see you shortly, Krasivyy*." You were about to ask Ivan what the Russian word meant, however he left before you had the chance.

~~~2 Months Later~~~
"Why aren't we making any progress?" You heard Arthur shout from the barracks before somebody else answered, you sat listening to the conversation and when Arthur shouted once again, you stood from the chair you were sat on and quietly snook out of the barracks. The air outside was still cold, but not as cold as it had been in the past months. You pulled your coat around body tighter as you made your way down the street, looking for a familiar looking flag. When you saw it you knocked on the wooden door hesitantly before you took a step back, when it swung open a man stood looking you up and down with a confused face. You cleared your throat, took a deep breath and tried to remember what you had learnt.
" Izvinite...ya ishchu Braginskogo...?**" You asked in broken Russian. For a few moments the man looked at you with the same confused expression before he nodded and closed the door once again. You looked around the street, making sure there was nobody around as you were still a little nervous after the shooting. When the door opened again, you looked back up and smiled to Ivan when he closed the door behind him and smiled down to you.
"Miss Kirkland, how can I help you?" He asked as his hands joined in front of him and he waited for your reply.
"Yes, fine. I wanted to let you know I'm not staying in the barracks, Arthur seems stressed and needs some space. I'm going back to the house, is that okay?" You asked, he nodded and smiled as he pulled the key from his pocket and handed it to you. "Thank you, Ivan. I'll see you later?" He smiled and nodded.
"I may be home late tonight, I have lots of work to attend to here. Will you be okay?" He asked, you nodded and smiled before he learnt forward, pressed a kiss to your cheek and leant back again. You stood on the spot for a few moments, feeling his lips still on your cheek before you looked back up at him and smiled before you walked down the street, turning around to see him still smiling to you. When you arrived back at the house, you lit a fire, made some tea and sighed as you sat in the large chair and picked your book back up. When you heard the door close and lock, you opened your eyes and saw it was now pitch black outside and dark in the room. "Miss Kirkland? Are you home?" You yawned and rubbed your eyes as you tried to adjust to the darkness. The door opened and you saw the faint outline of Ivan walking into the room, you groaned a little when light hit your eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He knelt in front of the chair and smiled up to you as he placed one hand on your leg.
"No, that's okay." You said as you sat up, he smiled and nodded. "Did you finish your work?" He nodded and sighed as he stretched his arms upwards before placing one back on your leg.
"Yes, I'm sorry for being so late. Were you okay here by yourself?" He asked, you smiled and nodded. "I forgot to mention earlier, some friends of mine will be coming to stay here for a while to keep safe. Is that okay with you?" You nodded and smiled down to him as he smiled back up to you. "Wonderful!" Ivan stood and began to walk out of the room, however stopped and turned to look back at you. "Would you care to share a bottle of wine?" You smiled and nodded.
"That sounds wonderful." You told him, he smiled and left the room, appearing soon after with a bottle of two glasses. For the rest of the night, until the early hours of the morning, simply speaking about your lives before the war. When you yawned and stretched your arms up, Ivan smiled to you and took hold of your hand.
"Goodnight, Miss Kirkland." He said in a quiet voice. You smiled and nodded before you stood and paused before you knelt back down and pressed a kiss to Ivan's cheek.
"Goodnight, Mister Braginsky." You whispered back, you kept your face close to Ivan's before he smiled and pressed his lips to yours for a moment. When he pulled back, you cleared your throat and left the room.

**= Excuse me, I'm looking for Braginsky?

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