chapter 2- I've got her

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It took me a while to climb the stairs so when we got to her room she was sitting on the bed so I climbed the bed and sat next to her, my head resting against her large boob. She wrapped her fat arm around me, the fat almost completely devouring me, she stroked my shoulder and said "you're so tiny, it's cute"
I giggle and grab her belly "you're so fat, it's sexy" She laughs and stands up "I'm going to show you my bikinis now, feel free to touch yourself" She winks and I undo my trousers and kick them off and put my hand in my pants while I watch Stella undress herself.

By the time she was naked I was masturbating, when she started moving towards me. She pressed her belly against me, it smothered me completely. She stepped back and said "you like what you see baby boy?"
I nodded and said "Yes mama" I leaned forward to kiss her belly but she moved it away from me and said "no, not just yet baby" She leans over so I can clearly see her butt over her back and kisses me. We begin to make out and she allows a hand on her enormous breast.

She pushed me back on to the bed and moved me and herself so I was on top of her but trapped in her cleavage. We continued making out when she rolled over, she was above me, her breasts covering most of my torso and I began to think about an attractive person I knew from where I lived before I came here.

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