Beyond realitys veil

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(An) the following is a collection of essays that I have written over the years. Some are thought provoking,others are there to send chills up your spine for that perfect winters night.Some are just plain strange.

These essays will be marked by either an H for horror P for provoking and St for strange. This is just in case some of you aren't that big on horror or the other things.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. And if you didn't .....i cant be blamed when your up all night thinking about my essays! Capiche?


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Essay # 1 ( a/n) this is actually a essay written by one of my friends sammideanne . Go follow her right now !

Rating - H/ P . Really depends what your view on horror is.


She blinks and she's somewhere unfamiliar. It appears to be an abandoned town square but its hard to tell with all the heavy gray mist that surrounds her.

She looks to her right then to her left. There isn't another living soul in sight. But.... there is a slight trickling noise.... to her right? Curious, she cocks her head , golden cinnamon curls spilling over her shoulder. Yes! It was definitely there.

Confused and disoriented , she stumbles around in the smothering fog, the golden dress she didn't even realize she was wearing , suddenly very heavy upon her delicate frame.

But she's determined to find that fountain and hopefully another soul that shares her confusion.

And she finds it ! She finds the fountain but to her extreme disappointment it only adds to the nervous knot growing in her stomach . The statue adorning the classic three tier fountain is not a traditional cherub or angel.

It is a girl. The sculptor must have had a very sick sense of art when he created this ...thing because her stance and facial expressions suggest that of someone being attacked by a feral animal.

Her perfect lips are carved into a little " o" ,locked forever in a perpetual scream . Her grey eyes are wide, eyelids taunt with fright. Her long slender fingers are raised in front of her in an attempt to fend off whatever adversary she was facing when the sculpted happened upon her.

The girl shudders, sending ripples of gold all the way down the fabric. She is scared now, for there is nobody in her world with such a horrible horrible imagination. She leans out to touch the girls round face in a gesture of comfort ,but she loses her grip and falls into the water.

Sputtering and gasping she quickly rights herself and tries to shake off the water. That's when she notices that its not ordinary water.

This water is black, as black as midnight. And its moving.

The ebony material is moving to form letters then words on the gray cobblestone and the gossamer material that now rests on gently on her. Two words over and over.

She waited, she waited , she waited , she waited.

She suppresses the scream that builds in her throat, pale pink fingers rising to cover her red lips. She does not want to disturb the silence, feeling that this was a place of tragedy and any disturbances would unleash restless spirits.

She quickly turns on her heels and flees in what she hopes is the opposite direction,since the mist seems to have thickened and even blocked out the building outline she used to be able to see.

Its hard to move in her heavy gown and matching heels and she doesnt even get two hundred feet before sitting on the ground panting heavily.As she sits, staring into the emptyness the knot of tension in her stomach grows tighter. She has no idea whats going on and she doesnt like it a bit .

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