One choice....

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Rating. P/ H?. (A/N) im not sure im going to rate this anymore. Also im thinking of starting my own youtube channel .... but im such a dork i dont know if its a good idea. Im seriously socially awkward. Messege me and let me kniw what you think! In other news im typing this on my nook so forgive spelling mistakes.


Elena woke up with a pounding in her head. She didnt know why it was there but it hurt so she tossed her covers off and walked into the restroomfor some asprin.

As Elena entered the bathroom somthing felt very Were the walls always such a deep blue? She could swear she painted them yellow. " Must be the headache " she thought to herself. Elena quickly found the asprin although it wasnt where it usually was.

Seeimg that it was already ten she quickly ran a brush through her brown hair and ran downstairs for breakfast. Her mom had probably already packed up all the breakfast stuff so that meant she had to go out for breakfast before heading off to her job at the nearby publishing company. Although Elena was only seventeen her mom had landed her a job at company as a secretary. Secretly she hoped that one day she would be working with them as an author.

As she walked into starbucks she sighed in dismay as the line was almost out the doorr. " Jesus" she muttered under her breath." Of all the days. "

Just then a large burly man came through the door and pushed Elena aside like a ragdoll. Shocked she turned to him , blue eyes blazing with annoyance and anger." Are you kidding me right now?" She exclaimed.

When he didnt respond she waved her hand in front of his face. She scoffed in disbelief as he didnt even blink. Instead the idiot turned to the woman in front of him a struck up a converation." Hey did you hear about that car crash.....?"

Fed up with the man,Elena left the Starbucks electing to just go to work. But as she pulled up she was shocked to see athe building standing dark and empty although she was at least ten minutes late.

Puzzled she walked up to the door her black pumps she had thrown on in a haste clicking against the sidewalk. Taped to the door was a piece of paper reading "Closed for funeral."

Blinking Elena reread the letter. What funeral? Nobody told her about a funeral! Feeling a bit guilty Elena copied down the adress of the funeral home and quickly started walking in that direction , briefly wondering where her car was.

As Elena walked about she noticed that everybody was feeling a bit rude todayas she nearly got run over at least three times.

She finally got to the funeral home her feet throbbing in her little pumps. That was a very long walk for those poor heels. Where was her little mitzubishi?

As she tried to remember her head began to swim. She must have hit her head hard last night doing somthing.

She walked into the parlor where everybody she knew sat. She breathed a sigh of relief. She saw everybody she knew. Her mom, Carol, Matt, Amethyst , even her boss was there. Whoever died must have been a family friend she hadnt seen in forever. Nobody she knew well. Where was her dad though? Thays what worried her most but she would have known if it was her dad.

Nobody looked up from there box of tissues as she walked past or came up to offer there condolences. In fact Elena felt almost like she didnt exsist.

The minister walked out and said"We are about to start. Would everybody please gather in the hall. Remember this is open casket so please keep little ones out of the way. "

Elena followed her mother wondering why they hadt spoken yet. Had they gotten in a fight last night? She wished she could remember somthing.

Elena took a seat in the back . She had always been a bit squemish about dead ... anything, so going up there wasnt the best idea.

As soon as everybody was finished with their goodbyes the minister took his place on the podium. "This is a tragic time.." he began with a low voice. As he began preaching about how " her" soul would go to heaven ,Elena caught sight of her mother sobbing. Never having seen her mother cry before Elena panicked. Should she leave or comfort her? Were they talking? Not being able to remember anything was really starting to affect her.

The ministers next words though completlt froze Elenas heart and blew the shock of seeing her mother cry right out of the water. "And now the traditional story of how Elena died..." Elena? There must be another Elena right?!

She slowly walked up to the casket listening to the preachers story at the same time." Elena was driving home from the frozen yogurt shop with her friends. They had offered her alchohal but she was smart and said no. As she was driving her friends home , they stopped at the light. Unfortunatly someone else had been drinking and driving and went over the curb , smashing into the drivers side,killing Elena instantly. "

This is where Elen got to the casket . Laying peacefully, with brown hair spread out in a fan was herself.

She sank to her knees in disbelief.

The minister continued" This story is sad but the worst part is , is that the drunk driver that killed Elena was her very own father whos one choice to drink and drive killed his very own-

Elena woke with a poundinv headache,doomed to repeat the day of her funeral until her mother forgave her father.

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