Sing a Strange Song

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  Sailors told strange tales. Tales of beautiful women with the bottom half of a fish. 

  They said that if you see a streak of color under the oceans glittering surface it was them. They were coming to drag you to the depths of the ocean. And there was no avoiding it.

  They would go to desperate lengths to avoid these deadly and enchanting women. They would stuff  they're ears with wax or offer a fellow crew mate as an offering but these were merciless women that could  not, would not, stop eating.

  They devoured their prey, their beauty marred by the red thick liquid dripping down their vampiric fangs. And once you heard the first notes come forth from their rosy lips you lost all control of yourself

   Sing a strange song

   and forth they will  come

The melody itself was haunting to anybody immune to the charm, not something they would forget soon. To the unfortunate souls that were not it was more beautiful that anything else.

  Those foolish men

who care only for them

The poor women;

the ones considered prizes to be won.

 Of course the men that weren't immune to charm were terrible men. They cared only for whiskey and pretty maids. Knowledge had no value to them. 

 So we feast on their bones

And their flesh

Enjoying the taste of  their selfishness

 And the sirens killed them for it. They had no love for the scrounges of humanity and almost felt a sense of pride as the sailors screamed their last

  So yes! Come join us! In our choir

   Soon all you will see is hellfire

for all the things you've done.

Stupid selfish men

Come join us in song..........


A/N.This was not meant to be my way of saying that all men are stupid. This is my way of depicting the sirens. I was thinking that they had to have a reason to be eating men. So I thought what if they only ate the pirates that made women objects.. so that turned into this. 

  Go ahead and flame if your a guy and you dont really care that it wasnt meant to be derogatory. I dont really care so your wasting your time my friend.

Also I would be really happy if someone made a cover of the song and posted it so I could use it. I would myself but I sound like a dying walrus.

                     So yeah. Power to the nerds geeks and freaks out there! You guys are my bread and butter.

                                                                                                                    The queen of sun

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