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Andy Fowler's POV
I woke up in the middle of the might from some sound's, i opened my eyes and saw doctor's surrounding Brooklyn and yelling things. "Sir you need to get out of the room." Someone said and pushed me out. I sat down on the hospital floor against the wall, i got my phone and called someone without even knowing who i was calling.

Jack: Andy it's 3 O'clock in the night what's going on?
Me: Jack! It's B-brooklyn! I i don't know what's going o-on! I i just woke up from my sleep, and then i heard noise the doctor's where all around Brooklyn ans then i got pushed out.
Jack: we are on our way, MIKEY RYE GET UP!
Me: thank you Jack.

I hung up and placed my head in my head and just cried and cried, i got pulled up and looked at Mikey, Rye and Jack. I started to cry all over again and hugged the closest person wich was Mikey, i couldn't stop crying until Rye gave me a slight push. I looked up to see a doctor standing there, i feared for the worse. What if he's going to tell me that Brooklyn died? What would I do when he died? I wouldn't think straight anymore and probably be laying next to him with not so much years from now. "Andy!" Mikey said hardly i shook my head and saw the doctor looking worried at me, Mikey sighed and said ro the doctor to explain further. "Mister Gibson got a littel attack this night what almost got him killed, we think he had some poison because that's what we found in his stomach when we emptied. But he is fine we just got in time otherwise he wouldn't have made it, and he is awake but he has amnesia." The doctor said.

I felt my heart break in a million parts and couldn't help but cried, Rye pulled me in a hug while Mikey and Jack talked with the doctor. "Come we can see Brooklyn." Rye said softly to me i just nodded and followed the guy's, once we got into the room Brooklyn looked up at us with confused eyes oh I've missed his green eyes so much. "Who are you guys?" He asked in a raspy voice, we all took a seat on the tear i tool the seat where i had been sleeping on for the past month. "You don't remember us, but I'm Rye and this is Mikey, Jack and Andy." Rye said pointing to us, i bited my lip to stop myself from crying again. "I still don't recognize you guys I'm sorry." Brooklyn said with regret in his voice, Rye gave me a weak smile "It's fine Brooklyn you're family will come the first thing tomorrow until then we will stay here." Mikey says.

Brooklyn nodded and then looked at me his eyes got a little shine in them but it disappeared as soom as it came, Brooklyn looked away and shook his head. "How long was i gone?" He asked slowly "A month and two days." I mumble, Brooklyn looks my way shocked "Really?" He asked i just nodded not wanting to speak or even got to strength to speak. "Can you guys tell me more about me?" Brooklyn asked out loud after a fifteen minute silence, Mikey grabbed his phone and set next to Brooklyn "The five us are in a boyband RoadTrip, and we've got vlogs for you to see so you can see how you are?" Mikey questioned Brooklyn he nodded and so they started to watch vlogs. I silently left the room and walked down the hall and outside of the hospital, i sat down at a little bench and it just started to rain. I looked up at the sky and just didn't fight my tears anymore and just let them fall down, i held my hand over my mouth to not scream i may over react but wouldn't it hurt you when you're soulmate would ne almost dead and now has amnesia? I can tell you it hurts like knives stabbing you in the back.

"Andy?" I heard Rye ask i looked up and saw him standing there with open arms, i hugged him and just stood there letting everything out what i had been holding inside. "Brooklyn asks why you left, come Andy." Rye says i shake my head "I can't Rye! He can't even remember me! It hurts it felt I've been stabbed into my back and my heart had been ripped out." I said sobbing, Rye sighs but doesn't push me "Just come when you're ready." He says i nod and thank him. Rye goes back inside and i stay outside for a few more minutes and then walk inside, i stand still before the room take a deep breath in and out and open the door. Brooklyn looks up at me "Hey Andy." He says smiling i gave him a smile back and look up at the clock and see it is already 8 O'clock in the morning his family would be coming soon.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him and fake a smile "I'm fine, Mikey showed me some vlogs and covers we all did." Brooklyn says, I smile half "Do you remember something?" I ask him hopefull. He shakes his head sadly " I'm sorry, i do want to remember everything." He says with sadness in his voice, i gave him a weak smile "I know, it will be fine you will get you're memory back i promise." I say to him wich makes him smile. That smile that I've missed so much this month the way he smiles while showing some teeths, or the way his eyes shine and light up just as he smiles or even laughs. I sigh and shake my head and sit down on the chair still thinking about the many reasons why i Andy Fowler loves Brooklyn Gibson, i swear one day we will marry i hope and adopt children.

*HEYHEY XX hope u guys like this part!! What will happen if Brooklyn won't get his memory back😱comment what u think will happen and maybe you're right?😏xx Pls Vote and Comment xx
Word count: 1055

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