Chapter 14

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"You have 30 seconds to run right now , Cupid."

I growled through the pile of pillows on top of me as the motherfudger just kept on jumping on my bed , laughing like an overgrown son of a----

"I'm not Cupid , I'm Cūpīdo!" , he sing sang making me squeeze my eyes shut.

Dammit. Not this game again.

"Then would you please get off of me , Cūpīdo?" , I snarled as I tried to block off his voice.

"Sorry , I'm not Cūpīdo. I'm Amor , señora! ....Is that racist..?" , he mumbled as he stopped jumping for a second then returned from jumping again making me groan out loud.

I'm gonna flippin'...!

"Then stop jumping on top of me , Amor! And yes , that's---!"

"Woops! I'm not Amor , sorry! I'm Eros." , he sing sang.

That's it!

I snapped my eyes open angrily as I sat up abruptly , making all of the pillows fly in different directions and Cupid stop jumping on top of me as he was now grinning down at my disheveled face.

I glared up at him and growled , "I will shove your bow and arrows up your ass until it comes out of your mou---!"

A hand covered my mouth as an arm wrapped it's way around my waist making my eyes widen as I glanced at the perpatrator.

It was Xavier.

And he was glaring at Cupid whom hopped off my bed and was still grinning at me , "She's doesn't like it when someone wakes her up so early in the morning , casanova. She usually wakes up at around 9 AM ." , Xavier stated as he removed his hand on my mouth but kept his other arm around my waist.

I blushed a little at the sight but brushed it away and glared at Cupid whom was now looking around my room.

"Expected from you as usual , Linny. Simple but with a tinge of class." , Cupid mumbled as his eyes lands on my messy working table making my eyes widen as I scrambled up my bed and flung myself onto the floor , almost smacking my face , and got in between the table and Cupid.

"It's bad to snoop around other people's things , you know." , I mumbled nervously as I looked up at Cupid whom had a raised brow and an amused smile , "Now turn around and both of you get out of my room."

"What the--? I didn't even do anything , brat!" , I hear Xavier complain as he stood up from my bed and went beside Cupid then glared at him , "It's your fucking fault."

"Oh sure , blame it on me. I'm not interested at all , asswipe." , Cupid grumbled then glanced at me with interest in his eyes as he was saying softly , "But I am interested in what's on Linny's table--"

I butted in , "It's a working table."

"But it's still a table---"

"I still do my work on it."

"Touché." , Cupid grumbled as Xavier just snickered at him making Cupid glare at him , "Fuck you."

"Sorry but I'm straight."

Cupid groaned irritatedly as me and Xavier grinned at one another , "Cunt..Anyway!" , he shrugged his shoulders and grinned down at me , "But I still wanna know what's on your working table---"

I butted in again , "My works , numbskull."

"But it has holders and fold--"

"They're still for my work."

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