Chapter 7

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(A/n) I lied jk I just got an idea for this at 1 in the morning so let's see how far this continues.

Louis Pov

The moment his lips met mine it felt like I was on fire. The pain from the impact disappeared and the only thing I could feel is the movement is his lips on mine. I opened my eyes a little to see his closed in bliss.

The kiss lasted until we needed air. We pulled apart and look at each other. His cheeks were flushed and lips slightly swollen and red.

"Woah" I whispered looking him in the eyes.

"Woah" he copied before leaning back down and capturing my lips once again.

After a few more minutes of quick pecks and full on snogging we finally got off the ground and to our feet.

"Well..I what are we going to-" but I cut him off with a peck on the lips. His lips are addicting okay.

"Let's go back to mine" I said dragging him by the wrist back to the coffee shop. Since It wasn't far we got there quickly and drove to my flat. We climbed out and went up to the door to find it unlocked. I pushed the door open to be met Niall coming out of the kitchen with a bag of chips up in his face and nothing on but his boxers.

"Niall put some goddamn pants on" I whined embarrassed and red filling my cheeks.

"Now why in the hell would I do that" he said brought the bag down from his sight and saw Harry standing behind me.

"Ohh okay then I'll go up to my room but remember these walls ain't sound proof" he said with a wink and walked up to his room.

"You dirty minded bastard" I yelled my face must be red as hell.

"Well...that's Niall"

"Ahh the a annoying room mate with the vocabulary of only swearing?" He asked trying to hold in his laughter.

"Yea" I looked at him and we both burst into laughter. Clutching our sides and stumbling our way to the couch. I sat down and pulled him on my lap to see him blush tomato red.

"L-let's watch something" he stuttered scurrying out of my lap and over to the movies set by the TV. Did I do something wrong or...?

"Love Actually!" He squealed getting up and popping it in the player. I looked at him with a questioning look but stop once he plopped down next to me.

"Don't look at me that way it's a good movie and it had your name on the case" I face palmed when I forgot that Niall and I put our names on the movies we bought so we knew who's was who's.

The movie started to play we got comfortable and started watching it. Half way through I felt Harry set his head on my shoulder and sighed. I didn't pay much attention it, my mind kept going back to what happened at the park. I don't know what really happened but I know one thing.

I liked it.

I looked over at Harry who was trying to keep his eyes open and inwardly cooed at the sight.

By the end when the credits were rolling Harry slowly got up and stretched. His shirt raising up a little just begging to catch my attention.

"Louis" he looked back and my head snapped up to meet his eyes but to only see him fighting a smirk that was about to form.

"Yea" I squeaked. "Yea" I said again while clearing my throat.

"I gotta go to my grandmothers house" I pulled my phone out of my pockets and checked the time.


"Oh okay" a small frown covered my face but got up and walked him to the door. I grabbed his jacket that he took off earlier and handed it to him.

"Thanks" he says putting it on.

"Well I guess this is Good-by-" I stopped talking when the soft familiar lips met mine. I brought my hand to his curls and lightly tugged on the shorter hair by the nape of his neck. His went on my hips as he slightly swayed us to no sound.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He pulled back just a little and I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Bye" he whispered but not before placing a quick peck on my lips and then he was out the door.

I don't know how long I stood there but I was interrupted when Niall came back down.

"Please tell me you didn't fuck him on the couch" he said whining.

"Niall!" I yelled and covered my face.

"I'll take that as a no" he laughed and bounded back upstairs.

My lips were still tingling and I couldn't help but giggle like a 14 year old girl who got her first kiss. After that I practically skipped up the steps and went to my room. I stripped and climbed under the covers as I fell unconscious as soon as my head hit the pillow.

(A/n) so I updated yay but it might be short but I'm coming back to this story so expect some more


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