Chapter 2

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So new Chapter cause im home alone and bored as hell so yea i might put a pic up but i dont know if i get to it i will so heres the next chap

Louis POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing and a bright light shining through my window and I cursed to myself for not shutting it before bed. I stretched until I heard the satisfing pop from my joints. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got out of my warm bed. I hissed a little when my feet touched the cool, wooden floor.

I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I grabbed a towel from the closet and some clothes for the day. I turned the water on warm and stripped out of my pajama pants and boxers then jumped in.

The hot water soothed the tight knotted muscles in my back from sleeping and helped me wake up more fully. I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and washed my hair until it was lathered. I rinsed it out then grabbed the conditioner and repeated. I grabbed my body wash and massaged my shoulders and arms to get the remaining knots out.

After I was done washing myself I shut the water off and hopped out of the shower. I grabbed my towel and put it around my waist.

I walked over the the mirror and wiped the condensation off it so I could see. I looked at my reflection I had grown used to.

My black hair had to be re-dyed because you could see the original caramel colored hair showing at the roots. My black snake bites I got when I was19 were wet and shiny a little from the shower. I took my plugs out before I got in the shower so I grabbed those and put them back in my ears. I looked over my tattoo covered chest and looked at them all. I had my sisters and my mums name on my left pec right over my heart.

I loved my family more than anything. They were always there when I came out at 18 to them. My mum had been glad and my sisters still loved me no matter what. My dad was another story. He was not very pleased that his first child and only boy in the family was gay.


My mum Jay worked day as my dad Mark worked at night. So while my sisters went to school I was home with my dad. He would first ignore me like I wasn't even there, then one day I came down from my room for some lunch and it turned out he was drinking right after work with his friends. He came bursting through the door and I jumped and dropped the plate I got down. It shattered and I looked up at him and all I saw was anger in his eyes.

"You little fuck up look what you did," Mark shouted while he slowly walked toward me.

'I'm sorry I'll clean it u-," I started to say but was stopped by a fist connecting to my jaw and I drop to the floor. I held my jaw as pain coursed through it and I felt tears gather up in my eyes but I refused to shed them.

"Now pick it up you worthless piece of shit," My father said as he kicked me in the gut and left to go to the living room. I just layed there with my jaw throbbing and pain in my stomach.

After the beating I picked up the plate and put it in the trash then went to my room. I went to my bathroom and took some pain killers. When I put them back in the cupboard one of my razors fell out. I picked it up and looked at it for a little bit. I heard what people say when they cut. They say they feel some kind of control. I looked at it for a few more minutes but shook my head and put it back.

When I left the bathroom I shed my clothes until I was only in boxers and climbed into bed.

I woke up by my mum screaming in my room. I looked up and saw horror in her eyes.

"Wha-What h-happ-happened to you-your jaw'," she was close to tears. She has never really seen me bruised up in my face.

I ran out of bed to the bathroom mirror. On my jaw was a dark blue, purple and black bruise on the right side of it. Even in the mirror you can see it throbbing. I walked out and saw my mum on the bed just sitting there crying. I walked over and but a loving arm across her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

"Its okay mum, I'll be okay," I say into her ear and we sat like that for about an hour. I was more wrong about that than anything else in my life. Truth is it got worse but once I got enough money from my summer job at working at the football stadium I moved out to the flat I am at.

*Back to present*

For my other tattoos are just little ones scattered around my arms and a sleeve on my left arm. I also have Me and Only Me tattooed on my chest in cursive to represent I am not going to change.

After looking through my tattoos I towel dried my hair and slipped on my clothes. My black skinny jeans and my Killers shirt were my favorites so I choose them today. I slipped on some dark grey VANS and went out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off its charger on my bed side table and stuffed it in my pocket then left the room.

I bound down the stairs into the kitchen to start breakfast. I got eggs out of the fridge and bacon out of the freezer. I put 2 frying pans on the stove top and turned the heat on. I put the bacon in one and the eggs in the other.

After the bacon got crisp and the eggs were scrambled I put 2 plates down for me and my roommate Niall. I put the bacon and eggs on them. I was about to yell for Niall but he was already dressed and walking into the kitchen. He plopped down and started eating. I sat down and starting eating also.

"Hey Nialler, did you order the new Ed Sheeran album for the shop," I asked after I finished up eating and put the dishes away.

"Yea it will be here around 12 or 12:30," he said as he got up to put his shoes on and his jacket and went out the front door.

Niall and I own a music shop in London for about 2 years now and it is a nice shop. We have music from Ed Sheeran to 3 doors down to Skrillex. We found the shop as it was going out of business and we got it for pretty cheap. It took about 4 months to renovate the store but now it looks good.

I slipped on a jumper and followed Niall. We only lived about a block away so it was an easy walk.

After walking about 5 minutes we reached the store and openned it up for business. I walked behind the counter and got out my laptop to wait for customers to start to come in. Niall was storing some albums from storage out front so I openned up my online dating profile. Don't judge me, I'm a little lonely even with Niall at the flat.

I log in and am greeted with a *PING* noise and to see a new user is on. I clicked on his profile because in his picture he looks happy and has such curly hair. He says he is 18 which is not bad since I'm 20. He like black hair, I have that. He liks blue eyes also, score again for me. Funny, hhmm Niall says I'm funny so I think that counts. Aww I have tattoos also and I'm pretty good at what I look like. So pretty much he is looking for The Tommo. Also says he is Bi. Well good cause I am too.

'We are soooo compatible' I say to myself as I shake my head and laugh. I think for a little bit and do something that could change my lonely life.


*Your messege was sent to Harry Styles*

(A/N) Hey guys sorry for such the long wait I wrote this on my phone then It got deleted so hope its okay and I'm already starting on the third chapter so later you teletubbies

Never mind that teletubbies are scary and don't forget to comment how it is and vote and fan and all that wonderful wattpad stuff


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