2. You Dream Impossible Things

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Taylor was six when she got her first cat, almost five months after that first dream. She and her mom were in the kitchen eating breakfast, the tiny blonde sitting in her chair reading a library book on the story of Persephone.

Andrea didn't comment on her daughter's newfound interest on Greek mythology, or why she suddenly insisted that the stories about Hades were all wrong. Taylor herself didn't fully understand why she was so defensive. It was only a dream after all. At least that's what she told herself whenever she toyed with the idea that it could be anything else.

If it was a dream, it was weirdly detailed. She had never heard of Hades or Persephone until that night. There was no way her brain could have fabricated a story like that. But Taylor had no magic powers, couldn't make a flower bloom if she tried. And she was only a kid. In the dream she, no the woman, Persephone, was much older.

Taylor munched her pancakes, a small frown gracing her features as she read her book.

"Before anyone could stop him, Hades grabbed Persephone and boarded his chariot before diving deep into the darkest depths of the Underworld. He locked Persephone in the smallest room in the Hall of Hades..."

With an angry grunt, Taylor slammed the book closed, staring down at her empty plate.

Andrea watched her daughter carefully before finishing her coffee. Leaning forward against the table she considered the small blonde before her.

"Taylor sweetie," she began, "your birthday is in a few days isn't it?" Taylor nodded, eyes brightening slightly at the mention of her birthday.

"Well," her mother continued casually, "it turns out one of your presents arrived early. I don't suppose you'd be interested in taking a quick drive with me to pick it up?"

Taylor was out of seat and halfway to the front door by the word drive.


Her mom had gotten her a kitten. A tiny calico with an orange smudge over her nose. Andrea had never seen a bigger smile on her daughter's face than when the kitten pushed its head into her hand, asking for affection.

"Do you like her sweetie?"

"I love her," Taylor whispered cuddling her new pet close.

"Well that's a relief. Have you thought of a name yet?"

Taylor looked at the cat, staring back at her with big green eyes, feeling a familiar pull in her chest.

"Dee," she said firmly.

"Dee?" Andrea smiled. "That's cute! It is short for anything? Diana? Daisy?"

"Nope. It's short for Hades."


She stood before her family, hands folded behind her back to stop them from shaking. Her parents, her brother, all her aunts, uncles, and cousins sat around her family's house, staring at her with open mouths.

"You want to marry....her?" Her mother whispered, voice dangerously low. Taylor swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yes," she whispered, "I love her." Seeing no response from the small crowd, she hesitantly continued.

"I love her. I know this means I cannot produce an heir for this family. I know this goes against what is usually done. And I know this will lead to a joining of families that you probably disapprove of."

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