6. Island Breeze and Lights Down Low

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Author's note: Was this chapter almost 100% inspired by the above video? Yes, yes it was.

Taylor was still fifteen when she met Dianna.

That day, Taylor had retreated to the music room, like she usually did when Abigail was away sick. At least there she could be alone on her own terms, just her and her music, away from unwanted stares and insults.

Except that day, someone walked in. Someone who looked so much like the girl from her dreams that Taylor froze, hands hovering above the piano.

"Hey, that was beautiful, whatever you were playing."

"Th-thank you," Taylor stuttered, clearing her throat. "It's not quite finished yet."

"You wrote that?"


"That's sick," the other girl said with a low whistle. "I can carry a tune alright, but songwriting? That takes skill. You must be pretty talented."

Taylor leaned back, looking at the girl in bewilderment.

"Thank you," she said. "My name's Taylor, by the way, in case you wanted to know. I mean, you might have asked eventually, or not, I don't know, but yeah. My name's Taylor."

Taylor mentally face-palmed herself, but the other girl laughed, joining her at the piano.

"I'm Dianna. I'm in my senior year. Hey, do you think you could play that again? I'd love to hear it from the beginning."

Taylor's brain just about short-circuited. "You want to hear my song?"


"Okay..." Taylor said slowly. "Weird question, but did anyone send you in here?"


"Well it's just," Taylor took a deep breath. "No one comes in here at lunch except me, so I don't see why you would be here and I'm suddenly really paranoid someone sent you to make fun of me as usual and you're probably going to laugh now."

But instead of laughing, Dianna grabbed Taylor's hand.

"Why would anyone do that?" she asked, question genuine in her eyes. "That's cruel, bullying you for something you love. I'm sorry."

Something melted in Taylor's heart, a shot of warmth spreading through her chest.

"It's alright. So, do you still want to hear it?"

Dianna nodded, smiling. And honestly, with a smile like that, did Taylor really have a choice?

"Alright. It's kinda rough, but-" Taylor began to play. She hadn't told anyone yet, but she had been planning a demo tape of her songs to send out to any record company she could find. This song was going to be one of them.

No one, not even Abigail had heard it before, and yet here she was, playing it for a complete stranger. When she was finished, Dianna clapped, eyeing her curiously.

"Your song uses female pronouns." she said, a slight question in her words.

"Umm, yeah." Taylor cleared her throat. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I like girls."

"Great! I do too."

Taylor's eyes widened. But before she could reply, she was cut off by the piercing of the school bell.

"I'd better head to class," Dianna said, standing. "Thank you Taylor. I loved the song."

"You're welcome," Taylor said, still overwhelmed. "I guess I'll see you around?"

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