12. Burton To This Taylor

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Author's note: To that one reader who requested this AU months ago over on ao3, you're an absolute legend for sticking around this long. 

Early update because you guys are an impatient bunch and because I feel slightly bad for what I'm about to do ;)

"Taylor! Over here!"

"Taylor can we get a smile?"

"Taylor is it true you and Karlie are no longer living together?"

"Can you confirm the rumours about you two?"

"How does it feel working together after so long?"



Taylor smiled as she moved through the corridor of men, camera flashes walling her in on either side. The smile on her face felt plastic. The instant she was within the studio doors, she wiped the expression clean.

Fucking paparazzi. Parasites, the lot of them.

But the second she stepped inside, she was swarmed by vultures of a different kind; costume designers pulling her in all directions, makeup artists attacking her face, stylists yanking her hair.

Before she knew it, she was on set once again.

Normally she was elated to go to work each day. But ever since the casting had been announced, Taylor had been on edge, dreading the day that shooting began.

So much so that when a gentle hand rested on her shoulder, she almost jumped out of her skin. She spun around, ready to snap at whoever had startled her, but froze as she was met with the same green eyes that had plagued her thoughts for months.

"Sorry," Karlie smiled apologetically, hands raised in surrender. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"S'okay," Taylor mumbled, unable to stop herself from staring dumbly at the other woman.

Karlie gave a wan smile, shoving her hands deep in her pockets. "How have you been?"

"Good," Taylor said, motioning towards Karlie's hair. "You changed it."

"Oh, yeah," Karlie toyed with the short strands that just brushed her shoulders. "I missed being brunette."

"It looks good," Taylor was quick to add. "It looks really good."

Understatement. If Taylor thought blonde suited Karlie before, now she looked heavenly. She cleared her throat harshly, dispelling those thoughts.

"You've been well, I trust?"

"I have," Karlie nodded, the pair lapsing into silence. God, Taylor hated small talk.

"And... how is she?" Taylor asked, addressing the question both women knew she desperately wanted answered.

"She's doing fine," Karlie shrugged. "It's been difficult for her, I will admit."

Taylor nodded, appreciating Karlie's tone. No spite, no malice, no attempts at guilt-tripping, just the truth.

"She misses her mother," Karlie admitted softly.

Taylor deflated slightly. "I miss her too."

Karlie smiled at the sincerity in Taylor's voice.

"Maybe we could, I don't know..." she trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Alright people! Let's get started!" the director clapped his hands. "Taylor, we need you in position right now!"

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