Dates and Time

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In this topic, you'll know about the dates and time in Japanese.

So first, it's better if you memorise the countings from *1-100. It is good to you to better understand dates and time.

There are different way to say the dates in Japanese from date 1-10.

Example of these are.

がつ(月)= gatsu which means month
にち(日)= nichi which means day

二月四日- (にがつ よっか) so here, if we translate it in english, it would be february 4. In japanese, we would say it as "ni-gatsu yokka" not "ni-gatsu shi-nichi or ni-gatsu yon-nichi".


1- 一日 = tsuitachi
2- 二日 = futsuka
3- 三日 = mikka
4- 四日 = yokka
5- 五日 = itsuka
6- 六日 = muika
7- 七日 = nanoka
8- 八日 = youka
9- 九日 = kokonoka
10- 十日 = touka
14- 十四日 = juu yokka
20- 二十日 = hatsuka
24- 二十四日 = ni-juu yokka

So the others are the same as what we said in numbers. Number of date + nichi.


11- 十一日 = juu ichi nichi
16- 十六日= juu roku nichi
25- 二十五日= ni-juu go nichi
30- 三十日 = san-juu nichi

next, we must also know what are the days of the weeks(monday, tuesday, etc.) in Japanese..

ようび(曜日)= youbi which means the day of the week

にちようび(日曜日)= nichiyoubi , Sunday.
げつようび(月曜日)= getsuyoubi, Monday.
かようび(火曜日)= kayoubi, Tuesday.
すいようび(水曜日)= suiyoubi, Wednesday.
もくようび(木曜日)= mokuyoubi, Thursday.
きんようび(金曜日)= kinyoubi, Friday.
どようび(土曜日)= doyoubi, Saturday.

Example, you will ask what is the day of the week.

A: 今日は何曜日?(kyou wa nanyoubi?) or
今日は 何曜日ですか?(kyou wa nanyoubi desuka?) 
"what is the day today?"
B: えと、今日は(the day of the week)です。or
えと、(the day of the week)です
"uhmm, today is (the day of the week)"
A: ありがとう。

another example

日付  (hidzuke) = date (formal)

A: 今日は何日?(kyou wa nannichi?) or
今日は何日ですか?(kyou wa nannichi desu ka?) 
B: 今日は4月1日です。(kyou wa shigatsu tsuitachi desu)
A: ありがとう

Then next, the months in japanese..

一月(いちがつ) = January (ichigatsu)
二月(にがつ)= February (nigatsu)
三月(さんがつ)= March (sangatsu)
四月(しがつ)= April (shigatsu)
五月(ごがつ)= May (gogatsu)
六月(ろくがつ)= June (rokugatsu)
七月(しちがつ)= July (shichigatsu)
八月(はちがつ)= August (hachigatsu)
九月(くがつ)= September (kugatsu)
十月(じゅうがつ)= October (juugatsu)
十一月(じゅういちがつ)= November (juuichigatsu)
十二月(じゅうにがつ)= December (juunigatsu)

The format of the date in japan is like this 4月1日2017年.

next topic is about time..

時間(じかん)= Time

午前(ごぜん)= A.M.
午後(ごご)= P.M.

 秒(びょう)= Seconds
分(pun,bun,fun)= Minute
時(じ)= Hour 


時 [ji]     日本語[Japanese]  
0時 (零時)rē-ji        0 o'clock
1時 (一時)ichi-ji     1 o'clock
2時 (二時)ni-ji.       2 o'clock
3時 (三時)san-ji.    3 o'clock
4時 (四時)yo-ji.    4 o'clock
5時 (五時)go-ji.    5 o'clock
6時 (六時)roku-ji.   6 o'clock
7時 (七時)shichi-ji.    7 o'clock
8時 (八時)hachi-ji.   8 o'clock
9時 (九時)ku-ji.    9 o'clock
10時 (十時)jū-ji.     10 o'clock
11時 (十一時)jūichi-ji.   11 o'clock
12時 (十二時)jūni-ji.    12 o'clock
正午.  shōgo.    12 noon
何時.  nan-ji.    What time?
午前.   gozen.   a.m.
午後.   gogo.   p.m.

Add 時 [ji] after numbers.

Arabic number is usually used.

Minute 分 [fun]

0分 (〇分)rē-fun / zero-fun.   0 minute
1分 (一分)ip-pun.  1 minute past
2分 (二分)ni-fun.   2 minutes past
3分 (三分)san-pun.  3 minutes past
4分 (四分)yon-pun.   4 minutes past
5分 (五分)go-fun.   5 minutes past
6分 (六分)rop-pun.   6 minutes past
7分 (七分)nana-fun.   7 minutes past
8分 (八分)hap-pun.  8 minutes past
9分 (九分)kyū-fun.   9 minutes past
10分 (十分)jup-pun.   10 minutes past
11分 (十一分)jūip-pun.   11 minutes past
20分 (二十分)nijup-pun.   20 minutes past
23分 (二十三分)ni jūsan-pun.   23 minutes past
30分 (三十分)sanjup-pun.  30 minutes past
35分 (三十五分)sanjūgo-fun.  35 minutes past
40分 (四十分)yonjup-pun.  40 minutes past
47分 (四七分)yonjūnana-fun.   47 minutes past
50分 (五十分)gojup-pun.   50 minutes past
59分 (五十九分)gojūkyū-fun.  59 minutes past
半.   han.   half past. 
何分.   nan-pun?   what minute?

Add 分 [fun or pun] after numbers.

分 is pronounced fun or pun depending on after which number it follows.

2, 5, 7, 9 minutes are [fun], 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 minutes are [pun]. After 10 minutes, the same pattern will be repeated.

0分 can be read either way, [rē fun] or [zero fun].

Second 秒 [byō]日本語 [にほんご]       読み [よみ]                   英語 [えいご]
0秒zero-byō / rē-byō0 second
1秒ichi-byō1 second
2秒ni-byō2 seconds
3秒san-byō3 seconds
4秒yon-byō4 seconds
5秒go-byō5 seconds
6秒roku-byō6 seconds
7秒nana-byō7 seconds
8秒hachi-byō8 seconds
9秒kyu-byō9 seconds
10秒jū-byō10 seconds
0.1秒rē ten ichi-byō0.1 seconds
0.02秒rē ten zeroni-byō0.02 seconds

Add 秒[byo] after numbers.

0 before the decimal point is read [rē], 0 after the point can be either way, [rē] or [zero].

4:30 am   Gozen yo-ji sanjup-pun / Gozen yo-ji han
9:10 pm  Gogo ku-ji jup-pun
7:53  Shichi-ji gojūsan-pun
12 noon   Gogo jūni-ji / Shōgo
12 midnight    Gozen rē-ji

Duration 期間 [kikan]

3時間    san-jikan   3 hours
何時間    nan-jikan How many hours?
10分間     jup-punkan     minute(s)
何分間      nan-punkan     How many minutes?
5秒間     go-byōkan       5 seconds
何秒間      nan-byōkan      How many seconds?

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