Shall we dance?

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In this topic, we will discuss about how to ask someone if he/she likes dancing or if he/she dances.

ダンス(dansu) = dance

A: B-san wa dansu ga suki? (ダンスが好き?) <do you like dancing?>

B: -un, suki (うん、好き) <yes, I like it>
-uun, suki janai(ううん、好きじゃない) <no, I don't like it>
-jouzu janai kedo, suki(上手じゃないけど好き) <i'm not good at it but I like it>

A: *reactions*
-hee, sounanda!(へー、そうなんだ!)< eeh? is that so?>
-ii ne!(いいね!) <good!>
-sugoi!(すごい!) <wow>
-onaji!(同じ) <same!>

A: donna dansu ga suki?(どんなダンスが好き?) <what kind of dance do you like?>

B: ________ ga suki (_____が好き) <I like...>

*Modern dance
*Traditional dance

A: *reactions*


できる- can do (dekiru)

A: dansu ga dekiru? (ダンスができる?) <can you dance?>

B: -un, dekiru (うん、できる) <yes, I can>
-uun, dekinai (ううん、できない) <no, I can't> (you can also say "uun, dekinai demo miru no ga suki" which means "no, I can't but I like watching it"
-dekiru kedo, jouzu janai(できるけど上手じゃない) <I can but I'm not good at it>

A: *reactions*
-hee, sounanda!(へー、そうなんだ!) <ehh? is that so?>
-ii ne! (いいね) <good!>
-onaji!(同じ) <same>

A: donna dansu ga dekiru?(どんなダンスができる?) <what kind of dance can you do?>

B: ______ ga dekiru(_____ ができる。)<I can do....>

A: *reactions*

suki(すき)- like/favorite
jouzu(上手)- good(magaling in tagalog)
dansu(ダンス)- dance
dekiru(できる)- can do
donna...(どんな。。。) - what kind of...

PS: you can also use the pattern in some nouns like singing, musical instruments, etc.. just replace the underlined words...

you can use the ff:
uta(歌)- sing
supotsu(スポーツ)- supotsu
gakki(楽器)- musical instruments
anime(アニメ)- anime
gemu(ゲーム)- game


A: supotsu ga suki?

B: un, suki

A: sugoi! jaa, donna supotsu ga suki?

B: bariboru to badminton ga suki!

A: onajiii!! nee, arigatou gozaimasu!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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