Chapter 1

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A/N – sorry for the delayed update had a job Interview at Noon but any way the winning starter Pokémon is Charmander with two votes so you got a male Charmander you can suggest a nick name as well as there of course another poll at the end for it in the comments until then it will be called Charmander and its currently Level 1 with these moves currently move 1 ember, move 2 growl, move 3 dragon pulse, and move 4 metal claw I did research all 4 of these moves is possible via breeding the nature is Bashful with the Ability Solar power the absolute base stats is as follows HP: 12 Atk: 6 Def: 5 Sp.A: 7 Sp.D: 6 Spd: 6 the IV's are as follows 22, 16, 13, 31, 28, 31 those are the IV's the EV training will be for max Sp.A and a little of Sp.D and Spd an extremely good Charmander yes extremely rare yes abandoned or released no it was born in the wild otherwise it wouldn't have approached you any way on with the story. I own nothing but the story.

Your POV

A Charmander? What's it doing here? Oh, well might as well catch it for safety. *you Throw a Poke-Ball at it and it shakes once and breaks open so you lightly tackle it doing very little damage as it growls at you so you throw another Poke-ball at it as it begins to shake once.... Twice.... Three times.... * ding *you walk over and pick the Charmander you now own and pick up the Poke-Ball and smile at your Partner Pokémon as Courtney looks at you slightly surprised that a five-year old has caught a wild Pokémon a starter one at that but she doesn't argue a little protection is going to be helpful for the journey back to Little Root town. Courtney "shall we go to the town now to stay safe?" *you nod and begin to walk the town you saw from earlier with Courtney following you closely since you have the only Pokémon between you two though you don't run into another wild Pokémon until your right in front of the town it seems as well to be a Vulpix so you weaken it with a metal claw and catch it and give it to Courtney for her to have some Protection in the future. As soon as you enter the town a man with Brown hair and violet Eyes as well as a woman with Lavender hair and blue eyes rushes over to you and Courtney and yell man and woman. * "COURTNEY!!! Thank the lord Arceus that your safe don't run off like that again!" *Courtney smiles and hugs them happily as you quietly start walk back to the forest to go sleep at until the man calls you out* man "hold it right their young man are you the one responsible for Courtney's disappearance if so where are your parent's I have a word I would like to have with them." *Courtney sees your eyes dull even more from the mention of parents and she glares at her father since she knows why you are alone* Courtney "DAD!! Please he has no parents and he found me in the forest he helped guide me out we just met today please be nice." Courtney's dad "what do you mean he has no parents?" *you say barely above a whisper* you "they abandoned me."

Courtney's POV

*the woman had barely heard you before you ran back into the forest as she lightly smacks the back of her husband's head glaring at him* mom "honey please the boy's parents abandoned him leave him be and let's discuss Courtney's Pokémon she has." Dad "yes let's discuss how you got the Pokémon Courtney." *I nod as I let Vulpix out of the ball and they looked shocked since the Vulpix is a nice golden color meaning its shiny making it extremely rare to find* mom "Courtney please take excellent care of her. She's a very rare find especially a golden one but how did you catch her you had no poke balls when you left the house?" Courtney "the boy caught her for me after he caught Charmander that he kept with him." *my mom and dad look very worried now or the boy's safety since he obviously has no protection weather meaning he is going to have a chance to freeze or worse* mom "Courtney do you know where the boy might have gone?" *I shake my head no* Courtney "No Y/N didn't have a place to go or call home so he's probably going to be looking for a temporary shelter to sleep under him and his Charmander seemed quite close already as well. Why do you ask? You're not going to be mean to him are you!" dad "no no no we just are worried for his and his Pokémon's safety that's all we swear." *I nod slightly comforted for the words* Courtney "if we find Y/N again can he stay with us?" *my parents look at me stunned by the question* mom "well I don't see why not since he's a friend of yours. Plus, he protected you." *my dad nods in agreement* dad "but first we have to find the boy for that to happen at all." *I smile thinking it shouldn't be that difficult you would need to stay close to a town to stay safe from severe wild Pokémon attacks*

~time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/N bonding with Chibi Charmander~

Your POV

Me and Charmander have been with each other for about a week? Or more not sure haven't kept track of the we have defeated a lot of Pokémon and I've spoken to Courtney for a little bit each day but she keeps offering to stay with her and her parents in Little Root Town I keep declining... I don't trust her parent's.... I wonder why I keep Trying? *you are staring at your arm as your dull E/C look even duller then normal* maybe I should just find a cliff to jump off *your thoughts are interrupted by a rustling bush but you don't react until you see it's a Ralts that's blue, gold, and a light shade of pink that approaches you and sits on your chest* you "hello Ralts" *it looks saddened by your thoughts and nuzzles into your chest worried about your health until it accidently hits a Poke-ball shaking once before dinging and you just let the Ralts out of the ball to roam around as well as Charmander so they can introduce themselves to each other.*

Charmander's POV

*as soon as I exit my poke-ball I see a Ralts looking worriedly at my trainer so I talk to her* Charmander "hello miss Ralts are you Owned by my trainer as well now?" Ralts "Yes I felt such sadness nearby it was over whelming. Why is he so sad?" Charmander "his parents abandoned him for no reason besides hating him so he was probably thinking about things of life all we can do is try and keep him safe from danger." *Ralts nods sadly not wanting her new master to be harmed for doing nothing wrong*

A/N – and that's a wrap and yes the Ralts is your second party member the rest will be up to you all for each one I choose any way Ralts stats are as follows HP: 19 Atk: 7 Def: 8 Sp.A: 10 Sp.D 9 Spd: 10 she's Level 5 with a Timid nature and the ability Trace with these moves. Move 1 growl, move 2 Synchronize, and move 3 confusion her IV's are as follows 24, 6, 10, 28, 10, 26. Charmander's Level now is 5 the stats are now HP: 20 Atk: 11 Def: 9 Sp.A: 14 Sp.D: 12 Spd: 14 same EV's of 0 across the board and same moves but any way the polls for this one until 5/7/2017 is one Nicknames for the two Pokémon you have and the second one which side Team Magma, or lone traveling trainer trying to become the Pokémon Grandmaster say in the comments and until then have a good time.


Abandoned Hated Male Reader X  Courtney PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now