Chapter 13

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The students of Third Street School were ready to put their plan in action. The gang hid behind the trees, peeking out to see two guards at the front of the main entrance. 

"Okay, Mikey, it's your time to shine" Cadpig smiled up at the big kid. 

Mikey was up first to spring the trap. He got up on a stand stool from behind a giant hedge, took a deep breath and started singing. This caught the guards attention. Most of the guards tried to get Mikey to leave, but they all ended up falling in a giant hole, thanks to the Diggers. 

"Now's are chance, go!" Lucky said, as the rest of the groups snuck past security and into the school. 

Becky followed after Kali and the gang, when they noticed the teenager and stopped. 

"Becky? You should be back outside waiting with the others for attack" Kali told her. "This could be dangerous" 

"No way!" Becky insisted. "TJ is my little brother and I'm coming with you guys" 

"Okay, fine. You go with Gretchen" Kali sighed, before the rest of the gang continued their way down the halls. 

"Commence Phase 2" Gus told the students.  

"In your positions everyone" Kali added.

The groups then separated into two teams and got ready for the attack. Kali, Gus, Vince, and Spinelli poked their heads around the corner to see some guards guarding the auditorium. 

"Hey, guards!" Gus called out, as he and his friends came out with water ballons. 

The guards turned to see the kids then throw water balloons directly at them. "You little brats!" they growled at the kids. 

"NOW!" Gus told his friends.  

The kids ran down the halls and quickly split up to separate the guards and ninjas, while they alerted the rest of the bad guys there were intruders in the building. Vince went down the right hallway, where the Ashleys were waiting and trapped the guards. While Gus went straight outside to the playground and the guards were cornered, getting attacked by the sixth graders. 

Meanwhile, Kali and Spinelli went down the left hallway and turned the corner while the ninjas closely followed behind. But when the ninjas turned the corner, they stopped. There stood Kali and Spinelli smirking at the ninjas with their arms folded and an army of kindergartners standing right behind them. 

"Say hello, to our secret weapon" Kali smirked at the ninjas. 

"Get 'em" Spinelli turned to the kindergartners, ordering them to attack. 

The kindergartners then chased after the ninjas who actually ran away, being scared of the little kids. Kali and Spinelli laughed at that.  

"That was priceless" Kali laughed, wiping away a tear from her eye. 

"Come on, lets meet up with the others" Spinelli told her best friend. "We still got job to do" 

"Right" Kali nodded back and they went off.

Kali, Spinelli, and the rest of the Recess gang, along with Becky, soon all met up in the area they were suppose to meet once they took care of the guards. 

"Wow, your plan's actually working, Gus" Becky told the military kid with glasses, impressed.  

"Now we just have to get to the auditorium and stop that laser beam" Kali said.  

"Kali's right" Gus nodded in agreement. "We have to stop that laser beam before it's too late"

"That's what you think, kids" The bald guy appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "You brats are done for!" 

The bald guy stormed up the stairs glaring at the Recess gang as they backed up, when they all heard a familiar voice call out. 

"Hey, Baldy!"  

The bald guard then looked up to see TJ and Principal Prickly with a pot of highly expired cafeteria chowder.  

"Say your prayers, it's chowder time" TJ smirked, before he and Prickly poured the expired, sticky, rotten chowder on the bald guy as he screamed, then dunked the pot on him. 

"Bull's-Eye!" TJ and Prickly high-fived in victory. 

"TJ!" The whole Recess gang smiled as they reunited with their leader in one big group hug. Even Becky joined in. 

"TJ, I was so worried about you" Becky said while hugging her little brother, which surprised him.  

"Uh... Thanks, Becky?" TJ slowly replied in that awkward tone. Becky soon released TJ from her grip.  

"You're okay" Kali smiled at TJ. "I knew you had a plan" 

"And I knew you guys would come back for us" TJ smiled back. 

The gang then watched as the bald guy had slipped from the chowder and fell down the rest of the stairs with a crash.  

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt" Spinelli winced. 

"You could say that again" Vince added.   

"Six minutes to perigee!" Gretchen informed the others. 

"Quick, to the auditorium!" Prickly told the kids, which made them run. "And no running in the halls!" 

"Oh, brother" Kali groaned quietly, rolling her eyes while she ran with her friends to save summer vacation for everyone.

School's Out, Summer Vacation: The Ultimate RecessWhere stories live. Discover now