9: haibara doyle pt 2/ new gadgets!

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Wolf's POV:
     I race into the house, dropping Arthur kuns lead as I do, up the stairs, following my masters scent, and into the bedroom second door on the left. Shinichi~San is lying on the bed, awake, but clearly not with it. His eyes look cloudy and he smells wrong. Like fear and pain and sickness. I whine, nosing Kaito kun's arm. He grins at me, patting my head, massaging my ears. I wag my tail, nuzzling against his arm. I want to talk, I wish I could talk like a human. I bark-howl quietly. Shinichi SAN looks around slowly.

"Wolf chan? Kaito?" He whispers. He looks like he's asleep with his eyes open. He coughs, each cough shaking his whole body, leaving him gasping for air. I nose at kaito's pocket. He pulls out a tablet, placing it on the floor with a special pen. I tap furiously, hoping I can get my point across. I can smell good, clean air seeping through a tube by the bed. It leads to a mask on shinichi-San's face. I tilt my head, stopping mid word to look at the tank. I've never seen such a thing. Kaito sees me looking at the tank and explains, oxygen. Oxygen was part of the air, and made it easier to breathe. I wag my tail constantly, going back to my message, which was turning into a novel.

       "Oi, KID, what did ya want?" The Osakan boy says as he walks in. Kaito was still in his normal clothes, no disguise or anything. The dark skinned boy's eyes widened, as he realised what he was seeing. He asks my master to prove it's his real face, Kaito bending down from his perch on the bed, allowing the teen turned child to pinch his face, proving no mask was present.

    "Ye look just like kudo! Ye could be twins, couldn't ya!" He exclaims, turning serious when he sees his friend looking so spaced out. I've jumped up on the bed, curling around the magician and detective, supporting the latter so he could slouch a bit. Kaito was thin, healthy thin, but this detective, I'd not noticed before, was too thin. Maybe that's why he smells of sickness, something was wrong, beside the spontaneous changes.

Kaito's POV:
      Hattori kun walks in, asking me what I want. I flinch, suddenly realising I wasn't disguised. Tantei Han reminds me I look just like shin~chan, telling me we could be twins. I hear shin~chan mutter three words. 'Wolf chan, Kaito.' I'm sat next to him, supporting his weight as he continues to space out. There's something wrong, not just his spontaneous changes. Wolf chan was on the bed, curled up behind shin~chan, supporting him too. I wonder what sort of experiment they did to her to make her so smart.

     The chibified western detective had pulled on my face, to make sure it was real. How was I going to lie my way out of this one? A prank or trick? No, now wasn't the time for that. Shin~chan suddenly coughs again, wolf chan shifting so she can lick his back. She seemed to be massaging his back with her nose at the same time. What was she doing? Shin~chan stops coughing, stops breathing altogether. I nearly panic, but remember something Kaa-San had taught me. I order hattori kun to call the number on the card by shin~chan's phone, whilst I try to get him breathing again, getting no response.

"Moshi moshi? I don't know who Ye are, but get over here now, kid's orders!" He yells down the phone, not questioning me or arguing for once. He takes over from me, trying to get the other detective breathing again. Wolf chan disappears, racing out the room. Where was she going?

Narrator's POV:
        Haibara ai was admonishes hakase again for his bad diet, annoyed she had to go to school and leave the inventor to his own devices during the day. She leaves for school, not noticing the lights in the kudo mansion. She joins the detective boys, walking with them to school. She tells them about her half brother, Haibara Doyle, and his imminent visit.

"Minna San, my half brother is coming to stay with me and hakase soon, be nice when he comes" they all start asking questions, like what's he look like, does he like detectives, is he smart like ai chan? She answers as much as she can, explaining that her half brother had spent time with heiji niichan, so knew about detective work. She spent an uneventful morning in class, bored out of her mind. Usually edogawa kun would talk to her, which made the tedious monotony easier to bear. Just before lunch, things livened up when a dark coloured greyhound was caught helping himself from the bins in the playground. It raced away, narrowly escaping capture several times.

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