13: Emergency, part 2

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Wolf's POV:
They load master Kaito into the ambulance, shinichi SAN going with him. The teen asks them which hospital. Was that for my benefit or his? I tilt my head as I listen, beika General hospital. Good. Not too far. My bullet wounds were painful, but master Kaito was hurt, I had to protect him. Shinichi San is with him, he'll take care of my owner until I return. I race back to the Kudo mansion, opening the door with some difficulty as my blood made the handle slippery. I race over to master Kaito's phone, which he'd left behind on the heist in case he dropped it. I grab the mobile in my teeth, gently, and run towards the door, tripping over my own paw and finding I couldn't use my near hind leg. I ignore the pain, I race away, as fast as I can, with the phone in my jaws.

I know shinichi SAN has aoko number, and hakuba number too, but he didn't have Kaito's mothers mobile. I just hoped she'd answer. The hospital staff are mean, they shoo me away several times, calling me a dirty mangy dog. I keep trying, eventually getting past them, following my keen nose until I find shinichi San. I drop the phone in hand, hoping he understands. He does, thank the moon. I wag my tail as he looks at the phone. He doesn't speak, but dials a number and hands the phone to aoko.

"Moshi moshi? Is this chikage? Hai, it's aoko chan, no, he's not ok, he's been shot, he's alive, but judging by his mute friends reaction, not for long. Do you have any health records of his that might help? Oh, you want me to pass you over to his mute friend? Why? Ok, ok, here" she says giving shinichi SAN the phone. He holds the phone close to his ears, listening.

I slink off, going back to Agasa Hakase's house, with a long detour to nakamori keibu she house to drop of the oceans dream tied to my neck. I moved At a slow limp, moving any faster was agony. I'd helped my master, I was happy, master Kaito wasn't out of the woods, but with the proper care, he'd be fine. And anyway, despite the rumours of shinichi SAN being a death magnet, Kaito still seems to be favoured by Lady Luck. I make it back to Agasa hakase, I'd collapsed and slept in exhaustion several times, but I crawled into the warm house eventually, the devil girl haibara San (my shiho!) rushes to me and orders the old man and Doyle kun to gets warm water, cloth and a pair of surgical tweezers she kept in the lab downstairs. I don't remember anything else for a while, I wake up in a cage, I'm panicking, no, I can't be back in the lab, they'll find out about my human intelligence! I feel better, and I open the latch on the cage easily, escaping. They catch me with a noose on a pole, muzzle me, and put me back into my cage. The muzzle it the plastic variety, which allows me to eat small chunks of food and drink, but I can't bite. It's just the vets, I know, but the memories of my last time in a cage haunted me, there was even an elderly dog in the cage next to me.

I escape on a daily basis, trying to get back to little haibara San, she'd be able to take me to master Kaito. The vets call hakase, who has apparently paid for my treatment. They want them to try and calm me down. Finally, they can give me a reason for Kaito not coming for me. Please let master Kaito be safe.

Shinichi's (conan's) POV:
Kaito's mother talks to me, telling me I don't have to answer, that if I know kudo shinichi, to tell him to get is backside over to his boyfriend and protect him and that aoko chan has the same blood type as him. I want to thank her, but I still can't speak, the fear is choking me. I hang up, rush over to the doctor who'd spoken to me, and pointed at Nakamori San, hoping he'd understand. Wolf chan had limped off and hidden somewhere. The doctor frowned for a moment, then I saw realisation dawn on his face as he called for one of the nurses. They ask nakamori SAN what her blood type is, and she answers. Telling them to take whatever they need if it's for Kaito........

...........the transfusion of blood was successful, but Kaito remains unconscious. He's recovering slowly, but the doctors are worried about his health. They've warned me he could suffer permanent damage from the bullet wounds, but I don't answer. I can't answer. I've lost my voice completely, conan is missing still of course, and ran's been practically force feeding me. I sit beside Kaito's bed, not moving, or eating, I even sleep in the chair. The doctors tried chasing me out a few times, but after the first two days, gave up. It's been a week now, he's still lying there, unconscious. Megure keibu has come, asking me questions that I desperately want to answer, but can't because my voice won't work. I'm scared, I can't lose Kaito, and I know if I lose him, I'll follow him to the grave. Huh, funny. Now I know how some of those poor people felt whose deaths I investigated. That's a horrifying thought.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now