Chp. 8

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"Hey Princess," Lexa Woods greeted Clarke as she exited Titus' room.

"Hey," Clarke said curtly and began to walk down the hall towards lunch.

"What was that about? He didn't give you too much trouble did he?" Lexa asked, following closely.

"No," Clarke answered honestly.

"Are you okay?" Lexa asked, genuinely concerned now.

"Yep," Clarke said curtly once more.

"Clarke, hey, wait," Lexa said as she grabbed Clarke's arm and pulled her into an empty classroom. She shut the heavy wooden door behind them and turned around to face the blonde girl.

"Something is up. I just know it. You're barely speaking to me. Come on, what did Titus say?" Lexa pushed.

Clarke crossed her arms across her chest. "I hardly see why you think a conversation between a teacher and myself is something you should find  yourself privy to."

Lexa scoffed. "You're joking with me, right? Clarke, that guy is an ass."

"That guy is looking out for me."

"And I'm not? I've been looking out for you since you first started schooling here!" Lexa exclaimed.

"No, Lexa. You've been looking to get into my pants since I got here. Let's not confuse the two," Clarke snapped.

Lexa looked as if she had been slapped across the face. What the hell was Clarke going on about? In the months of knowing her, she hadn't been this cross since they had first met.

"Clarke, you know that's not true-,"

"Is that what you told Costia before she fooled herself into believing you and her had a relationship?"


"Is that what you told Lincoln when you coerced him into 'just joining a high school gang?'"


"Is that what you were planning on telling me when I figured out your whole reasoning behind this friendship?"

Lexa let her mouth hang open slightly. She wanted to scream at the blonde, to call her stupid, to tell her she had the wrong idea.

But if Clarke was still caught up in the idea that Lexa was a greaser, than a greaser she would be.

"You're absolutely right."

"W-what?" Clarke asked, taken aback by the Trikru leader's answer.

"Of course I've been trying to get into your pants. Didn't I make that known from the day we met?" Lexa lied, doing her best to seem as if she didn't care.

But holy hell, she did care. She cared too much. She couldn't believe the things she was saying to make it seem as if her heart wasn't being ripped in two.

Clarke could feel the beginning of tears forming in the corners of her deep blue eyes. It was all a lie. Everything Lexa had portrayed, everything she had made known. Everything. It was all just one big ugly lie.

She had trusted this girl with her life. And here she was telling Clarke that it was all a ploy. Clarke was lying of course when she told Lexa the inflammatory comments, hoping to get Lexa to back off. But it was different now. Lexa was admitting to Clarke's lies. So were they really lies at all?

"You're a monster," Clarke spat.

Lexa, who's heart had begun to sink deep into her stomach, churned there. "Now now sweetheart."

"Don't you fucking condescend me, Lexa! Fuck off!" Clarke said as she pushed her way past the brunette.


Clarke grasped the doorknob to the empty classroom that led into the bustling hallway. She couldn't face the brunette again, not with the many tears now streaking down her bright red cheeks.

Breathe Clarke. In and out.

"Lexa... there's one difference between Costia and I," Clarke said quietly.

Lexa waited for the next part of her response, knowing it would hurt her. Knowing it would hurt her so fucking bad. But yet she sat down on one of the desks and kicked her legs up, a small smile appearing on her lips. It's okay Lexa. Keep up your facade.

Clarke took a deep breath, feeling her lungs creak and groan in absolute pain and despair inside of her chest. "Unlike Costia... I won't ever come back."

The blonde opened the classroom door and slammed it behind her, and as soon as she was gone, Lexa collapsed.

She collapsed as if the sun was no longer allowed to come up. She all of a sudden felt unbearably cold as tears began to pour from her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she heard herself whispering to an empty room. An empty heart.

A Clarke that was no longer.

* * *

Octavia Blake plopped down on Clarke's bed and felt herself bouncing up and down within the sheets.

"Damn, your room is built for a queen. Bell and I used to have bunk beds," she said.

"Yeah," Clarke said quietly, trying her hardest to forget the high school gang or any of its members. Especially its leader.

Raven walked out of the bathroom, the slight sound of the toilet still rumbling. "Crappy pipes?"

"Yeah, Marcus wants to get those fixed."

"You could always ask my dad, yeah? We fix all of that stuff," Raven said.

"He's a plumber?" Clarke asked suspiciously.

Raven shrugged. "Yeah. Something like that."

Clarke slightly laughed. "I'll take that into account."

Octavia rolled her eyes and sat back on the bed, examining one of Clarke's fluffy pillows. "I know this may or may not be a sore subject, but I noticed you didn't walk to lunch with Lexa today. You usually do."

Clarke faltered at the sound of her name. Her name.

"Yeah, well... Lexa and I aren't exactly on good terms anymore."

"What happened?" Raven asked worriedly.

"She showed me her true colors," Clarke said abruptly and sat down on her bed next to Octavia.

The raven haired girl wrapped her arms around Clarke and held her so that the blonde could just stare off into he distance, feeling too numb to even bring herself to cry over the ending of her and Lexa's friendship.

"People are stupid, Clarke. But just know Rae and I are always going to be here. I told you nothing good comes out of being involved with those trikru members," Octavia whispered.

"What about Lincoln?" Clarke asked, desperate to shift the conversation away from Lexa.

Octavia shrugged. "He's trying his hardest. We just have to wait till graduation. Then, he and I are out of here."

Clarke wished she could say the same for her and Lexa. But Lexa was nothing more than a fake. She led Clarke on day and night for months until finally Clarke forced the words out of her mouth.

The Lexa she thought she knew never truly existed.

And she never would.

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