Chapter 1

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Every story has a beginning and an end. This one happened to begin with a simple sentence.
"Have you got a light?"
It's strange how those five words changed your life, for better and for worse. Had you known your life was about to change, maybe you'd have acted differently.
You fumbled around in your pocket until you found one. You handed it to the tall, male figure, who was silhouetted against the street lamp.
"Careful, it's a bit temperamental," You warned. He grunted in reply. After a few attempts, he lit his cigarette, and sat himself down on the ground next to you.
"Want one?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse. You hesitantly took one from the pack, and lit it. Now, of course, it may seem odd to be taking a cigarette from a stranger at three in the morning, but you'd never been one to mind too much about your own safety. You were only out that late because by that point you had been awake for three days, and went outside to clear your head. The longest you'd stayed up for was 10 days straight. It had always been like this, even as a little kid you would stay up for days on end.
He took a long drag of his cigarette.
"Why are you out here so late at night?" You asked.
"Could ask you the same." He replied bluntly. You two sat in awkward silence for a while.
"I've been awake for three days and I came outside so I could think about everything, try and sort out my head a bit. It didn't work, because a strange guy decided to interrupt me." You said, attempting to break the silence.
"I'll leave then." He stubbed out his fag with his boot, and began to get up.
"Stay. You still haven't told me why you're out here, plus I could really use another cigarette." You argued. It worked, because he sat back down and crashed you another. You placed it between your lips and struggled to get your lighter to work.
"Fuck, it's run out." You sighed. He handed you a zippo, the yellow light coming from the street lamp causing the metal to shine.
"Why did you ask me for a lighter if you already had one?" You asked, confused.
"I wanted to make conversation. That and I'm fucked and forgot I had one." You just sat and smoked in silence until his packet was empty and the pitch black night had faded into the light grey of early morning. He crumpled up the box and threw it into a nearby bush.
"See you around." His voice was scratchy, probably a mix of being quiet so long and the fags. With that, he got up and left. You sometimes wondered what your life would be like if you hadn't been so overly trusting with strangers; if you had been more cautious that night, your life would have been totally different. The walk home was a dizzy blur, but as soon as you got into bed, still reeking of smoke, you fell asleep.

A/N: I wanted to write a Murdoc x Reader, but had no idea what to write, so I converted an old story of mine into this mess. It'll pick up if I carry it on, I promise. Any art used is not mine, credit goes to the owners. Also, the description of this book is pretty similar to a 2D x reader fic I think, not intentional.

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