Eight Cherries: We Are A Couple! (Who's That?!)

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"I need you to do a favor for me', Sulli said while twirling her ponytail with her finger.

"And that would be...?", asked the short hair girl name Minzy.

"I need you to do some site seeing for me in a specific town", she suspiciously smiled.

"You mean you want me to spy on Jiyong and see how he's doing, don't you?", the girl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Then if you already knew then why don't you hurry up and go already."

"Geez... Don't get all pissy with me. May be you're the one that needs to do some online searching", Minzy winked.

"Bye Minzy! And while you're out call Donghae and see what's taking him so long. He expired two days ago", ordered a cherry red Sulli.

"Aye Madam Sulli!" Minzy gave a salute and walked off to start her mission.

Minzy headed in the direction of where Sulli kept the files on which ones got an order and location. She was actually surprised that Donghae hadn't come back to report in since he has always been on time. Minzy thought that may be something kept him or may be he didn't feel like seeing Sulli's face.

From what she knows after being around him for some years is that Donghae is very popular amongst all women in different age groups. There are women who just want him so that they can brag to their friends, some to just have a conversation and others try to throw themselves at him. Those who try to sleep with him in one night are the ones Donghae never give into. Somehow he is able to turn them around for the better without given into those perverted women desires.

Donghae is a very unique individual but he isn't the only one. Minzy knew someone else that had an unusual type of charm, Kwon Jiyong.

"Good morning Minzy", spoke one of the girls that worked with filing the reports.

"Morning to you too. Sulli gave me a job to do today. Can you tell me where Kwon Jiyong is?"

"Jiyong? Did he do something wrong already?", she asked knowing his LONG history.

"This time he hasn't so far, shocking right? Sulli wants me to do some snooping around since she's too shy to do it herself."

"Oh I see. Just give me a minute to pull him up on the computer."

Minzy looked around the office area and suddenly realized how much more organized it is compare to when they first started. She remembered how Sulli didn't have a lot of workers at the time and how she had to file everything with no computer. At first Minzy thought that Sulli's idea wasn't going to go too far but she clearly didn't know how many desperate women are really out there. She admits that she was one of them but her reason was for money.

"Here it is. He's currently been ordered by a Sandara Park. Here is her picture. I think Jiyong is way out of his league with this one but hey, that's just me."

"Jiyong is actually quite attractive and he brings in a lot of orders just like Donghae. He just goes about it in a different approach that isn't so...appealing depending on the girl. Just give me the location, I'll check her out in person."

"Here you go and happy hunting."


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