Chapter 13

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The car ride to the club was by far the quietest and most awkward one I've ever been in. I expected at least a small conversation from Ward but nothing. He didn't even look at me, his eyes were glued to the road. I don't know if he did it because he could feel my fear or if it was fear of his own, well whatever it was, I hated it. But it was a short ride to the club, this was the time to pull myself together and be the girl I needed to be.

But so many doubts ran through my head. The constant thought that I couldn't do it stuck in the front of my mind. That fear drowned out the others. I glanced over at Ward and felt a fear close to it, the fear of losing him in this. Whether I closed I line I couldn't come back from, or he died trying to protect me.

This group of people, that I was trying to get into it, saw girls as objects. Nothing more and nothing less. I had to sit back and let anything happen, as long as I within the group. And if I got too deep, then messed up, they would try to cut me off. I would stand no chance with them unless Ward stepped in quick enough. If I messed up, it was all on him to save me.

Ward parked the car a few blocks away from the club we were going into. He put the car in park then looked over at me, gentle taking my hands into his.

"Nothing is going to happen. We've both trained for this." He started in a serious tone. Then he added with a grin, "Just don't forget what I've taught you."

Even if I didn't know what I was doing, he had trained me over and over how to protect myself. My body would know what to do, how to react. The only issue was if I could get my mouth to say as it should.

I nodded. Not trusting myself enough to speak. I worried that I would cry again if I tried to speak.

Without a word, he nodded then stepped out of the car. He walked across the front of the car and opened my door, holding a hand out to me.

I took it then stood. Fixing my dress as I found my balance. I took a step away from the car and he shut the door behind me.

"Ready?" Ward asked me, his tone was gentle but stern. I could feel that this was affecting him deeply.

"No turning back," I whispered mainly to myself.

"No turning back." He responded nodding his head.

"Let's go." My voice was shaky but knees stayed strong as we started walking towards the club.

Ward and I both knew that we had to hide any affection we felt for each other from here on out. Which was why instead of holding my hand, he gently placed his hand on my back and led us to the bar. He kept me close enough that he could hear my whispers, but not enough that I could touch him without trying.

We reached the club and I could hear the music from the street. All I once I felt over my head but steady. Ward and I wouldn't mess this up, we couldn't mess this up.

He reached out in front and pulled the door open, holding open for me to walk through.

No turning back. I thought as I stepped into the building.

(I'm so sorry. It took me 3 years to write this and it's not even that long. I just needed a start.)

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