Random note on life :)

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Lately: I have experienced way to much to remember all at once at the moment but all i know is that life is uncertain and the unexpected things that happen to us, pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad, happy or sad; It all depends on how strong you are to deal with that life gives you because questioning why still wouldn't change the plan God has for you.

People walk into our lives and easily walk out. Sometimes they chose to and sometimes you choose to remove them but either way if someone walks away its not the end of your story, Its simply just the end of their part in your story.

It may seem like it is the end of all possible good things and questions and confusion gushing through leaving things unanswered and unsaid might bring you down. How can promises be broken so effortlessly and words once said be forgotten like it never meant anything? Well don't tire yourself by thinking too much because words can be said but it takes courage and true thought and care to mean them and if someone wants to stay in your life, they sure as hell would find all possible ways to do so, even if all reasons are against it, they would not give up looking for and believing in that one reason why they should.

We make mistakes. And once we've come a long way to realize our mistake, all you can do is learn from it because questioning its stupidity and regretting your actions wont take you anywhere. The mistake. Yeah we all have one. Nothing to hide. Nothing to lie. Nothing to deny.

While you're caught up in the process of committing it, you're blinded to all the things that make sense. To reality. I know; I was blind. We make decisions we don't have reasons why, but we do. At the time, perfect it all may seem.

Temporary happiness may disguise its self in all forms of blinding you to reality but its all just a lesson, yet to be learnt.

Everyday, we learn and make decisions that affect our future, Neglecting the consequences may seem so right when doing something wrong. Trusting and placing our faith in people who hurt and tear us down are common mistakes, surely not too distant from anyone.

Adapting to changes, life and love; it decides on how strong you can be to face the times you thought you couldn't. for when you have to be most strongest is when you come to know of the strength you have in you.

Its funny how simple words can get ourselves to fall into something way to quickly and then realize its absence even before you could appreciate and value it's presence. The past few months of my life, I have experienced and understood that people always leave. BUT; It takes great thought to know that the ones who truly love and care for you will always always stick around, no matter what the consequences are.

Forgive and forget because everyone makes mistakes but sometimes the sad thing is getting caught in being a part of someone else's mistake. Happiness is something that needs to be a part of our lives, It needs to be earned, valued and appreciated and without the people who make us look past all the mistakes we've made and understand whats right and wrong, I know I wouldn't be here today being motivational.

Something we should all remember is that some lessons are best learnt through pain and our visions become clear only after our eyes are washed with tears. Life is too short to sit around waiting for the right thing to happen. You will never know if you don't try. Take chances and learn from your mistakes. I know i did.

After all, Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain:)

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