Tell the world

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Tell the world ,
Tell the world
You're unashamed of me.

Tell the world,
Tell the world
That ,
I am yours.

Tell the world,
Tell the world
That ,
You're unashamed of Christ.

Tell the world,
Tell the world
We are for Christ.

Together we will go and tell the world
Christ is the true king,
The king above all king .

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This life is not about you,not about me, not about us. It's all about Christ, it's all about him. You should not be silent in living for him, start sharing His love and His Holy words between you and one person this is how its all started, then you move step by step and share within the groups,and then you can move to the next step. Take one step at a time and you will see the change in your life and in others life too
God bless you all

Questions to ponder:
Are you ashamed to tell the world about Jesus Christ?

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