Chapter Nine - On the Down Low

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Author's Note

Sorry it's been so long since I last uploaded! I've been really busy and only just got back from a French exchange.

This chapter has quite a bit of drama, so I hope it's to your liking and makes up for the wait!

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I paced back and forth in my bedroom, occasionally pausing to kick a soft fluffy obstacle out of the way of my furious feet. The bright yellow sun shone in through the square window, further increasing my irritation by blinding me. A sharp pain tormented my head and I felt drowsy in general owing to my premature arising from bed. It went without saying that I was going to do what the blackmailer had ordered, but I had no idea how to go about it. Aaron wasn’t going to just accept that I’d suddenly changed my mind. He wasn’t stupid.

My brain simply wasn’t up to the task of coming up with a cunning plan. The only person I could ask for help was currently in a very fragile state of mind, and so was completely unable to assist me. This set of circumstances resulted in a pretty stupid decision. I’d invited Aaron over to my house. As a result, I was now storming back and forth against my old white carpet, nervously awaiting his arrival.

A loud bell rang out. ‘Louise!’ Mum’s voice called up from the hall. ‘There’s someone here for you.’



‘So, er, hey.’ I greeted Aaron very confidently, pulling the door closed behind him as he stepped into the hall. ‘Thanks for coming.’

‘It’s no problem.’ He stared at me, his hands in his jacket pockets.

‘Um…’ I started, looking around the cream interior for inspiration.

‘Was there something in particular you wanted?’

His bluntness unsettled me. ‘Well… Y…Yeah’ I stuttered, starting for my bedroom having become conscious of my mum’s presence in the living room. ‘Shall we?’

Aaron hesitated for a moment before following me up the staircase and into my bedroom. His eyes didn’t leave mine as I took a seat upon my bed, and he shuffled awkwardly in the doorway. Those hazel eyes betrayed his confusion and slight anger. I didn’t blame him. I’d already messed him around enough, and now I was going to do it again.

‘I used to love Minnie Mouse as a kid.’ He smiled slightly, taking tiny steps into the room.

‘You… You did?’

‘Your jumper.’ He pointed at me suddenly, a look of light amusement etched upon his masculine face.

‘Oh, right.’ I replied, smiling shyly. ‘Are you going to sit down?’

In reply, Aaron dropped to the carpeted floor and crossed his muscular legs. Well, that wasn’t quite what I was expecting.

His arms resting either side of his legs, Aaron looked up at me quizzically. ‘So…?’

‘So.’ I bit my lip hard and played with my jumper sleeves. ‘I…I like you, Aaron. And I’m sorry for screwing things up between us.’

Sighing, Aaron took his time to reply. ‘I don’t know, Lou. I thought I liked you, like really liked you.’

If I’d been in a normal mood, I’d probably have laughed at the amount of times he said the word ‘like’ in that sentence. As it was, I was only able to reply humbly. ‘I know.’

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