Chapter Eight - What About Me?

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Author's Note

Well, here's the update at last! Sorry I took so long, I've had mock exams for quite a while and so have been stressed with studying.

This chapter hasn't really turned out as I thought it would, sorry about that if it isn't as good. If it isn't I'll sort it out in editing :)

Hope you enjoy!


I lay on my soft mattress with the covers bundled around my feet so as not to increase my already burning temperature any higher. Hitting my alarm clock to illuminate the screen, I was informed that I’d officially been lying here without any sleep for five hours. Each time I tried to settle down, my brain would think of some other disaster that could happen as a result of admitting my secret to Monica.

If she were to tell anyone, the unthinkable could happen. The mystery blackmailer had already warned me. They’d punish me horribly if what was happening got out. I shivered as it all came flooding back, I was being blackmailed by a complete stranger. When the emails had first started, I’d assumed immediately that Monica was behind them. She had plenty of motives, and definitely had my email address.

Now that we’d established it wasn’t her, I was getting more and more scared.


Sunday passed without me noticing. In school, I was constantly looking around to check if anyone was looking at me strangely. Unfortunately, there were at least ten possible candidates if this was what determined who my blackmailer was.

‘Louise Shaw, is that a thought you’d like to share with the class?’ Miss Harris’ stern voice boomed from the front of the classroom. ‘Or would you like to pay attention?’

‘Sorry, Miss.’ I said meekly, opening my exercise book and taking down the notes she’d written on the whiteboard.

Her monotonous voice droned on in the distance, as she shook the ancient poetry book in her hand. We were studying The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and had been for several weeks now. Was it ever going to end? None of the language even made any sense to me. Not that this was an excuse for zoning out in class.

The bell finally rang out and I picked up my books ready for a swift exit from the dreary classroom. As I zigzagged between the tables, I was conscious of somebody in pursuit of me. Panicking, I swept round to face my follower.

Adam placed a hand on my shoulder as he caught up with me. ‘Are you alright, Lou?’

‘Y…Yeah.’ I composed myself. ‘I’m good.’

‘So why are you acting like you’ve seen a ghost?’

‘I have to go to the bathroom.’ I informed him, rushing out of the room and letting the door swing shut behind me.


At lunchtime, I was alone with Sophie as the couples had gone out for their lunches. She was eyeing up Luke James once more, having not stopped since the party last year. Once we’d been served with our food, I glanced over at Soph with a questioning look. It was time to pick our table, which was a very important decision in our common room.

Sophie pointed at Luke’s table with a pleading look. ‘Please?’

‘Because that’s not going to be awkward at all.’ I rolled my eyes.

‘For me?’

‘If you get with him, will you drop the obsession afterwards?’

‘Yes.’ Sophie replied confidently, striding over to the table where Monica, Luke, Aaron and some minions sat.

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