Chapter Twelve - Partial Update

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A/N: Guys I am so sorry, I've been so busy this year with school work and I've had next to no time to write. The stress is unbelievable as I'm applying to university this year.

This update is all I have so far of the chapter, and I know it's short. But I think I owe it to anyone who's still reading to give an update of some sort. :)


"Who's taking you to school today, then?" Monica asked in a serious tone.

"I was thinking of taking the bus or something, the stop's only..."

"Don't even think about it. Charlie and I are coming to get you in five."

"Monica!" I protested, only to hear the dialling tone on the other end.

Fantastic. So my ex-boyfriend was coming to escort me to school accompanied by his new girlfriend, who also happened to be one of my best friends. Silently, I cursed Matthew for having a university interview to go to today. Life was great. I couldn't help but rush to the nearest mirror to adjust my eye makeup and pump up my hair. The habit was hard to shake off.

Before grabbing my bag, I quickly refreshed the emails on my phone. This was another habit that had taken over my life. Even though I dreaded seeing the notification for a new email, I was obsessed with making sure that one hadn't arrived before I allowed myself to relax. It was stupid.

"Louise?" Mum's voice bellowed from downstairs, "Somebody's at the door!"

"Coming!" My heart pounded as I prepared myself for a bizarre journey to school.

As soon as I peeled open the white front door, Monica launched herself into me, pulling me into a tight embrace. It was lovely that she was so concerned for my safety, it was as though she felt partly responsible for what had happened, which I'd told her over and over was nonsense. When I was finally allowed to breathe, my best friend reassured me that I wouldn't have to talk to Charlie at all in the car, and that it was safer for me to be with them than alone. Even though this made perfect sense, I couldn't silence the voice in my head that reminded me that if I was spending time close to Charlie, another email or worse would be sure to follow.

Taking a deep breath of oxygen into my lungs, I pulled open the shiny blue door to Monica's car and chucked my bag inside. It landed with a bang, causing Charlie to turn around and silently watch me follow it. He smiled, but didn't look me in the eyes before turning his attention back to his phone.

I returned Monica's reassuring smile as she started the ignition and pulled out into the road, but secretly all I could focus on was the swift movement of Charlie's fingers across his phone screen. It was stupid, especially as I knew he was already dating Monica. But all I could think about was who he was texting, and why they were more important than me.


"So I want you to text me after every class, ok?" The tone of Monica's voice told me that there was no point arguing, "And we're meeting up for lunch by your locker."

I whispered a thank you to Charlie as he held the door open for me, "I doubt that whoever this is will come and get me while I'm in school, Mon."

"That's exactly what they want you to think," She scolded me, rooting through her black handbag, "Take this."

With a questioning look, I took the canister from my friend.

"It's pepper spray."

My eyebrows shot to the roof, "I do not need..."

"Just take it. I'll feel a lot less worried if you do." Monica paused in the doorway of her form room, "Charlie will you get off that phone? See you at lunch, Lou."

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