This wasn't the time Magnus was late coming home from work and Alec had had just about enough of it and his excuses for it. He refused to sit there and let Magnus play him like a fool. It was now 10:15, usually by now Alec would be sleeping but not tonight,tonight Alec laid in bed staring at the painted ceiling. He started to remember the night the painted it, they had been talking about how he missed the stars from the roof of the institute, he remembered thinking that he would never miss it in a thousand years but the truth was he did, it was his home after all, but he felt safe with Magnus like nothing could come between them or touch them. He heard the front door open and he knew exactly who it was... Magnus, late again by 30 minutes. He got up to greet his boyfriend at the door, he hugged Magnus tightly. "Alexander whats going on, your acting weird: Magnus said wrapping his arms around Alec. "Darling sit please" Alec told him. Magnus sat down confused. "WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU LATE ONCE EVERY WEEK MAGNUS AND DON'T LIE TO ME." Alec said raising his voice. "Alexander, please don't accuse me of what i think your accusing me of, it wont end well for you." Magnus told him nicely yet seductively. "Accuse you of what cheating on me" he continued "Your distant with me what am i suppose to expect." he said starting to tear up. "My love, look I'm going to be honest with you okay... i swear I'm not cheating on you and the fact that your mind would even think such a thing upsets me deeply, the reason ive come home late some nights is because I've been at the doctors office working on myself because Alec im not doing so well mentally" Magnus explained walking towards him, he felt horrible Magnus' depression was high again and he had just accused him of cheating. Magnus simply hugged his boyfriend placing his head on Alec's chest. "Magnus i im so sorry" Alec said through his upset breaking voice. "it's alright my love, fortunately i have thought of a way you can make it up to me" Magnus whispered into his ear then kissed his neck, he pulled away from Alec's neck and grabbed his hand guiding him to their bedroom pushing him down onto the bed. "Magnus w what are you doing" Alec asks, not that he was complaining. I'm going to finger myself open and ride you but you aren't aloud to touch yourself or me and if you do i stop completely." Magnus replys smirking at Alec.
After five minutes of Alec promising he wouldn't touch himself or Magnus. Magnus waved his hand and Alec was naked. Magnus could have just as easily made himself naked as well but he really wanted to torture Alec, he slowly starts stripping away each piece of clothing slowly, but Alec laid there in agony trying not to touch himself, which was torture for him and Magnus knew it. Magnus knew everything that made Alec go crazy. Finally after what felt like days to Alec Magnus grabbed the lube of the nightstand and squirted a good amount onto his finger the positioned himself on the bed so all Alec could see was his ass, his guided his fingers to his hole, he rubbed his fingers around his hole before pushing them in harshly. Once his fingers were fully in he moaned loudly at the sudden stretch, this made Alec feel like he was loosing his mind. If Magnus hadn't been starring at him sexually while thrusting in and out of his tight hole, he would have started touching himself, but he knew if he did he would get in trouble. All of the sudden Magnus added another finger hitting his prostate, he flung his head back and moaned in ecstasy and closed his eyes, when he opened them he saw the starry midnight painted ceiling. He took his fingers out of his ass and crawled over to Alec and slowly lowered himself onto Alec's cock, then guided Alec's hands to his ass. "You're only aloud to hold and grip my ass. Understood" All Alec was able to was nod. Magnus started moving on Alec's cock, Alec gripped Magnus' ass so fucking hard that there was deffinetly going to be marks if not bruises. "Mag Magnus feels so so fucking good I'm gunna gunna." Alec couldn't even finish his sentence before he came deep inside Magnus. Soon after Magnus came all over himself and Alec, he got off Alec's cock and licked all the cum off of Alec and Alec did the same to him.
"Why have you been going to the doctor, what's causing it and why didn't you tell me"Alec said grabbing Magnus, pulling him under the covers. "Lately I've been thinking that you don't really want me even though I know that's not true" Magnus lays his head on Alec's chest and explains. "Magnus you are everything to me, your my true love." Alec tells him. "I know I've been down lately for so reason and I didn't want to worry you that's why I didn't tell you." Magnus told him looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. "Magnus I always worry weather it's about you or us are Jace, Izzy, Clary. I always worry." Alec tells him kissing his forehead. "Alexander Light wood I love you so so much." Magnus tells him leaning into him for a kiss. Alec kisses Magnus back then breaks the kiss and says "I love you too, Magnus Bane.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one i should have a new one in a week or so 😘