Buried Feelings

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You cleared your throat while you stood up from your seat. You straightened the black dress you were wearing and you tried to ignore all the people staring at you. You knew that Scott somehow blamed you for Isaac's death, even though you had not been the one ripping his heart out. You had been the one coming back to Beacon Hills with the lifeless body.

"I'll give the word to (Y/N), Isaac's girlfriend, who wants to share her goodbye with us." Melissa nodded at you and you walked up to the microphone.

Even if Scott had his doubts about the role you had played in all of this, he had not talked to his mother about it.

You cleared your throat and you looked at the wooden coffin. You had picked the whitest wood you had been able to find. You had used all your resources to pay for the most expensive decorations. You had tried to at least give him everything you could after he had given up his life for you.

Isaac had not deserved this. He had not deserved to die for loving you. He had not deserved to be seen as a worthless child by an original vampire. He had not deserved ending up buried at the graveyard his father had once owned.

"Isaac was the best thing that has ever happened to me." You coughed a few times. "I'm not even sure if I deserved being loved by someone like him." You hesitated for a moment and you bent your head. "Actually, I don't think I deserved to be loved by someone like him." When you looked up again, your eyes widened and you stopped breathing.

Klaus leaned against a tree. He had a bunch of flowers in his hand and he was wearing the blackest suit you had ever seen.

You felt your muscles tense and your fingers curled up. "I'm sorry..." You shook your head. "I can't do this..." You stared straight into Klaus' eyes. You couldn't talk here about how hard it was to lose someone in an accident. You couldn't stand behind the cover story while the true killer was staring at you as if nothing had happened.

"Do you need a glass of water?" Melissa placed her hands on your shoulders, but you shook your head.

You didn't need a glass of water. You needed Klaus to leave. "No, I need some fresh air." You tried to walk slowly while you made your way through the aisle between the seats to the tree the Hybrid was leaning against. "What are you doing here?" You hissed between your teeth and Klaus shrugged his shoulders.

"I came to pay my respect to the death." He smirked and in that moment you wished you could simply punch him in the face. "Maybe he was an annoying teenager, but I somehow got the impression he was important to you."

"You're a little late with that conclusion, aren't you?" You crossed your arms over your chest and you heavily breathed in and out. "You're the one who killed him. You're the reason we have to burry him!" You knew that the werewolves would hear every word, but maybe they would then understand that you had not wanted any of this to happen.

"You are a vampire, (Y/N)." Klaus spoke a little louder and you looked over your shoulder to make sure none of the humans had picked something up they were not supposed to know. "You don't belong in a pack of were-somethings."

"And you're a monster, Klaus." You paused for a short moment while you grabbed the flowers. "I don't belong with you either." You swallowed a few times. "I don't want to see you ever again and if you can't deal with that, go ahead and kill me. I've lived long enough."

"Forever is a long time." Klaus kept on smiling. "I don't doubt our paths will cross again. Once all your friends have died and you are all alone, you will come back to me."

Before you could answer he had disappeared and with your heart still beating in your chest you threw the flowers on the ground before you turned around to go back to the ceremony. Even though Klaus didn't seem to believe you, you would never go back to him. 

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