Chapter 11

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"Ben was an alpha male, an athlete, and incredibly intellegent and strategic. He's the only one with the capability to get all of them to work together." I said seriously. "Please at least consider it. I think it works with what we seem to have been talking about. A group with an alpha male and submissive partners. It's just a theory but let me know what you guys think." I lifted my chair tucking it in then going up to one of the many bedrooms. I wasn't hungry anymore. Spencer and I didn't have to share a room which made me a little sad. I'd miss his messy hair in the morning and his warm touch when he wrapped his arms around me awkwardly at night. I'd definitely miss that safe feeling I had whenever I was around him, that's for sure.

I swiftly changed into my long black off the shoulder sweater then rested my head against the pillows and went on my computer. I searched up videos of the showcase. I had missed it after having to explain to my boss what my situation was. I closed my laptop as I felt the exhaustion wash over me.

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep when my door was opened and closed swiftly. I couldn't see who came in. "Lia?" I relaxed when I realized it was Spence. "Yes?" I asked tiredly. "Sorry Gideon asked me to check on you...and I started to get a little worried that you were upset or something." I could see his lean frame trembling slightly in the dark as I sat up.

"C'mon." I said patting the bed beside me. He sat on the on the other side of the bed and smiled sheepishly at me. I chuckled shaking my head. "Nothing's changed." I said pulling the blanket around me.

"Lia are you okay? Really." I looked up at Spencer to see the genuine worry in his eyes as he reached across the bed grasping my hand. "" I said looking away. "We are going to catch them Lia and we're going to lock them away." Spencer said seriously.

"Can...can you stay for a while?" I asked. I could feel my body starting to tremble at the thought of my fears about being kidnapped again. I would never admit it out loud but I was scared. No I was terrified. Spencer slid onto the bed laying next to me wrapping one arm around me.

He looked down at me and spoke softly, "It's okay to be afraid Lia." He whispered. I wrapped him in the blanket too and snuggled into him. My legs entangled themselves with his as his arms wrapped hesitantly around me. I smiled against his chest while hugging him back.

"Please be careful Spence....all of you need to be careful." He nodded. "I Lia." He said reaching down and untangling my legs from his. He froze when he brushed my bare upper thigh. "L-Lia...can" I nodded and pulled away. "Bye Spence." My voice was small and scared. "You know it's okay to be upset. You can trust us Lia." He said standing up. Almost like magic my eyes started to fill with tears and my heart ached. Spencer started to step towards the door when a sob escaped my mouth.

He turned to face me and softly mumbled, "Hey." He reached for me and I shook my head. "It's like everyone I love is dying around's like when we were're the only constant." He stared at me blankly for a moment then climbed into bed yanking me towards him. "Lia you are the strongest person I know." His fingers brushed through my hair calming me. " Strength is just a measure of how well you hide the pain." I whispered. He held me by the shoulders forcing me to sit up and face him. "You are beautiful. You are beautiful and you are so beautiful when you cry." He lightly kissed me pressing his forehead against mine. 

"When this case is over....will you come live with me in Washington?" He asked suddenly. "I mean-" "Yes." My eyes were brimming with tears threatening to spill over but I was smiling ear to ear. "You can cry Lia. No one will judge you because of all you have lost." Then just like that I started to sob into his chest. He just sat there, cradling me and rubbing my back. 


When Lia stopped crying she fell into a deep sleep. I kissed her forehead and wrapped her in the blankets again. I walked outside and closed the door quietly. I made my way into the team's set up and everyone turned to stare at me. "Is she alright?" Garcia asked as I shoved my hands in my pocket. I nodded then walked over to Hotch. "Do you think Lia can come back with us?" His head snapped up from what he was doing. "What?" "You heard me." He closed the file. "I have two spare rooms in my apartment Lia and Crystal can stay there and besides Lia has nothing here but blood and sadness. " I said firmly to Hotch.

"I agree with Spence. Thalia needs support. Losing her brother and best friend is hard on her and she barely even seems like her self anymore." JJ said worriedly. "I agree and so does Garcia though she won't admit it." Morgan said smiling over at Garcia who sat lowering her head as she was furiously typing away. "Yes. She will come back with us." Hodge said firmly. I could see a smile tugging on his lips.

"So do we know whether Ben was involved?" I asked pouring myself some coffee. "Yes and he is. We're not entirely sure if he's the king pin but we know he was the only one who knew that you and her were in this area because of the art gallery. There are also several bank statements which identify him as someone who made a few cash transfers to Damon's accounts. He paid him for something. " Elle said. "Really? That's weird I never knew he was into art." I said in a surprised tone. "He isn't" I turned to see Lia walking into the room wearing black skinny jeans and a purple v-neck.

She snatched up a few of the pictures from the table. "How were these lashes inflicted?" She asked JJ. "Um with a blade." "And these?" "A belt." We all stared at Lia. "Ben targeted me because he knew that Spencer and I were the only ones who would figure out what he was doing." She said. 

"What are you talking about?" Hotch asked confused. "Ben and his buddies used to make me stand against the wall and try to hit things off the top of my head using their belts....and their aim sucked." She said avoiding my eyes. "What? You said that your father had hit you!" I said in shock. "He did and that's why I always had bruises but the belts were from Ben I just didn't want you to get into a fight." Thalia said bluntly.

"Ok where are you going with this Thalia?" Hotch asked. "Look he and his friends hit me with belts and apparently they were the only ones who knew. The seniors used a blade on me after assaulting me." I cringed. "I think the seniors and Ben's crew made a pact." Lia's words hung there for a moment. "How else could all these people who inflicted pain on me know each other? And how could they all be involved in this scheme?" I thought about it. 

"Do you know who the seniors are?" Gideon asked. "I have their names here. Darren Gates, Walter Bridges, Damon Woods and Matt Sanders." Garcia said. "Wait isn't Matt, Ben's older brother?" Lia asked her eyes widening. "Yeah. Their parent's separated when they were in grade four and Ben went with his mom, Matt and the youngest brother James with their dad." I said remembering Ben's hatred towards his father.

"Well actually Matt was the one who hated his mother believing that she was the reason the marriage failed." I said trying to focus on what little I remembered of Matt. "I suggest we find them both and try talking to them." Hodge said. "Reid, Morgan,Garcia stay with Thalia here work this profile. Elle, Gideon we should head into town and try finding these guys." We nodded. "It's Matt, Spence. I know it is. He was the most hateful towards me. He said I was like his mother. So beautiful and looked so innocent when in reality I am a cold hearted bitch." Thalia said seriously.

"So how are all these people connected?" JJ asked confused by the multiple groups of people involved in the stalker case. "If what Thalia is saying holds then Matt is the alpha male leader and coordinated all of this. He got Ben to enlist Damon to get Thalia. Damon manipulated Ian into helping him do so and hurt Thalia which Matt wanted in order to draw her out. They had no intention of allowing Damon to keep her. So when Thalia was rescued they utilized James to try and get close to her. When Thalia realized James wasn't me he fled. After fleeing he started to utilize other members of the group to scare Thalia, which is why Gina broke in. She was always Ben's lap dog." I said sighing. "But now that their plans are repeatedly failing the dynamics of the group will start to break down as well forcing Matt to question the people part of his team." Lia continued then hesitating. "But there's one thing I don't understand." "What's that?" Gideon asked. "Why did he let me live?"

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