Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

The hideout was dark and dreary as it always was. There wasn't much to do in the underground "resort" but sit around to wait for big events. Sasuke was getting tired of being in the dark, while doing nothing. His main goal was to kill Itachi, but those heights were looking grim for him. After a few binge days of training with his slithery master, Orochimaru put him up to the test.

"Take them all out." Was all he had said. There were about one hundred shinobi standing before the young boy. They came in shapes and sizes, their weapons varying among them. Sasuke looked up to the sky. The sun was beginning to enter the setting stage. He looked back to the ninja that he was to face. In a flash he advanced towards them, with his katana in his hand.

Orochimaru watched the Uchiha fight them all, taking them down one by one for the remaining hours of the day. By the time the sky had begun to turn a pastel orange and pink, Sasuke stood in the middle of the field surrounded by limp bodies. Not one of them were conscious. With one swipe of his arm, the katana he held was back in its sheath.

"It is very boring of you to keep them all alive, Sasuke-kun." The raven haired boy huffed, then walked past him to make his way back to the hideout.


Later that day Sasuke went to serious thinking. It had been three years since he left the village of Konoha, and by now he was reaching his limit to stay.

He knew why Orochimaru wanted his body, along with his sharingan. Sasuke had only accepted the terms so he could become stronger. What he didn't tell anybody was that he didn't plan on letting the sannin continue on with his plans.

Right now Orochimaru was weakened, and he needed a new body to become replenished. The snake man did not plan to put it to good use. Sasuke gazed at the candle light that sat on the table across from his bed. He got up to walk to his door, knowing it would be the last time he'd leave it.

Before he could turn the handle, he stopped remembering he had almost forgotten something. Reaching back to his bed, he lifted up his pillow to reveal the journal he kept. Tucking it into a safe place, he made his way to face his master one last time.

Once entering the room, the first one to greet him was Orochimaru. He had been lying in the bed Kabuto had set up next to the machines keeping him alive for the time being.

Without a hint of confusion, Orochimaru had guessed why Sasuke had come to him out of the blue. He had also understood then the battle against the two began. It had not gone on long, but it was short lived. Since Orochimaru was in a weak state, Sasuke had the chance to defeat him. Kabuto entered the room astonished at what he saw.

"Orochimaru-same! Sasuke!" Said the devious boy with glasses.

"I'm leaving." Was the last thing he said to the medic ninja he had first met in the chunin exams.


The avengers next step was to find his brother Itachi, to kill him. Of course he knew that he couldn't do it alone, so he decided to form a team. The team consisted of three members about the same age as himself. The first member was someone name Suigetsu, another experiment of Orochimaru's. He was strong enough to fight meaningless battles against others. The second was a man named Jugo. At first he planned to let him free like he had first promised when he killed Orochimaru. The third was the warden at the hold Jugo was at. She was a female kunoichi named Karin. They had met in the past, and he had known about her special abilities. They would become useful for him.

"From now on we'll be known as Team Hebi. As in the snake. The sole purpose for forming this, is to hunt down to kill a certain someone."

"Where do we start?" Jugo asked.

"Right now."


For the next few months they searched for signs of Itachi. Fighting others along the way. The biggest battle they had to deal with was a member of the Akatsuki, Deidara. Sasuke was forced to verse him, while Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin escaped.

The battle didn't end well, for Sasuke had to quickly summon Manda to get away. Karin noticed his chakra disappear, and thought he had died.Jugo and Suigetsu found him badly hurt. Sasuke happened to not get any information from Deidara before he had blown himself up, but there was another Akatsuki member lurking around the area.

Before he could see his brother one last time, he would have to rest from the injuries he received. After only a few days, he was back on his feet. They found Kisame who pointed him in the direction of Itachi. The other three members of Hebi parted ways, even though they wanted to join him. Sasuke would have to face him on his own.


The Uchiha hide out was a place only the Uchiha could find. Itachi sat in the main throne, Sasuke took no pause. Stabbing his katana through the stone stabbing him through the heart, only to already know it was clone. When the real Itachi had appeared, they went all out.

Sasuke gave it his all against the brother he once knew. He decided to end it all with the forbidden jutsu Orochimaru told him not to use the one time against his old friends. Kirin, would destroy the entire roof which would crush Itachi. Obviously he was stronger than he thought for Itachi could already use his susanoo. As they clashed once again, Sasuke began to lose the upperhand. Itachi moved towards his younger brother, slowly with blood coming out of his mouth. With his arm extended out towards him.

Sasuke closed his eyes, only to re open them to a smiling older brother. Itachi placed his to fingers on his forehead, like he had done all the time when they were both younger. His last words to Sasuke were,

"Sorry Sasuke, but there won't be a next time." Itachi fell against the wall, only to have breathed his last breath. Sasuke looked out to the rainy land, wondering what he meant by those words. Confused by the last words he had told him.
Sasuke fell against the ground beside his older brother, remembering things he thought had been blocking out. As the rain fell against his face the world around him began to slip away. The young boy fell into darkness, confused on what to do. Before he had gone totally unconscious, three words rang through his mind.
I love you!
The high pitched shrill of her voice tortured his soul.


Waking up in a daze, Sasuke looked around to find himself in an unfamiliar place. It was dark with only one source of light. Getting up from the bed he lay on, a voice came from the shadows.

"Take it easy, your injuries are still fragile." Sasuke looked to the man with the mask across from him.

"Who are you, where am I."

"You are somewhere safe." The man stepped forward, and the eye behind the mask shined. The sharingan that no one else could likely hold. "My name, is Madara Uchiha."

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