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username: this is Valerie Pierce, the girl that's been in tom holland's mentions a lot lately

(insert pic here)

5.2k retweets | 7.4k likes

username: lol she ain't even that cute

lordvaldemort liked

username: why is tom even interested in her

lordvaldemort liked

username: he just saw her instagram lol i bet he stopped right after seeing her face

lordvaldemort: .......

lordvaldemort: pls calm ur little spiders tomholland1996

tomholland1996: lordvaldemort i'm sorry

tomholland1996: I would appreciate it if you guys would stop saying mean things about my friend.

username: in behalf of the immature fans, i'm sorry tom 😭😭

username: lordvaldemort does not deserve this

username: when did she have supporters she ain't even an actress (not hating just purely curious)

username: deATH EATERS UNITE

username: this is lowkey plagiarism

username: yeah let's just use #lordvaldemortprotectionsquad

username: #protecttomssquad

username: #tomsfriendsmatter

Time Bomb [Tom Holland]Where stories live. Discover now