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lance_lngdn: Hi. I'm seeing a lot of hate for Val and me. Let me tell you about us.

lance_lngdn I'd appreciate if none of you try and attack Val because she did nothing wrong.

lance_lngdn What I'm about to tell you all is the truth and nothing but the truth.

lance_lngdn I know it's hard to trust when it's so easy to lie here nowadays. usernamex

lance_lngdn But for right now, the only possible solution I could think of is to tell you all the truth.

lance_lngdn: Val and I were friends in high school.

lance_lngdn: No one poisoned anyone. No one threatened anyone.

lance_lngdn: Whoever that usernamex bitch is, is a damn liar.

lance_lngdn: Valerie Pierce was an insecure and shy girl. She also had her flaws.

lance_lngdn: Whatever those are, I'm sure most people have it. It's normal to have flaws.

lance_lngdn: Tom would be a dick to leave her because of that. If he loves her, he'd accept those.

lance_lngdn: Yes, Val used to be fat and smell bad, but did you know how she starved and tortured herself after that?

lance_lngdn: Val will tell you she doesn't care, but she does more than you think.

lance_lngdn: Y'all have watched 13 Reasons Why, right? Where's this "I learned not to treat people badly." you've preached?

lance_lngdn: I bet it died down as fast as the hype.

(A/N: I'm so sorry if you love 13rw. I'm not shading the series, I'm just making a point.)

lance_lngdn: Moving on, I liked Val and she liked me back.

lance_lngdn: But we were both scared.

lance_lngdn: And what do cowards do when there's fear? They run. That's exactly what I did.

lance_lngdn: I let go of what could have been something, because I was scared, because I thought I wasn't enough.

lance_lngdn: I hurt her and I ran.

lance_lngdn: Two years now, she changed. She found herself and another man. She was happier.

lance_lngdn: Me? I was still regretting what I've done.

lance_lngdn: I know there was pictures so there would be no reason to make an excuse.

lance_lngdn: Val was in no fault.

lance_lngdn: We talked and we said our apologies. We hugged. Big deal?

lance_lngdn: I never thought I would see her again

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lance_lngdn: I never thought I would see her again. I prayed every night I would.

lance_lngdn: I told myself, this is my chance to finally tell her. No matter what.

lance_lngdn: It seemed I was too late.

lance_lngdn: She already found someone to lean on, and it was not me.

lance_lngdn: Maybe fate was playing with me.

lance_lngdn: I should have known, nothing is forever.

lance_lngdn: It was hard to see someone you love talk about her love.

lance_lngdn: But I knew had to let her go. I knew I had to throw what I felt away. For her. For us.

lance_lngdn So I asked her for the first and last time, if we could kiss. So even just for a few seconds, I can relive what could have been.

 So even just for a few seconds, I can relive what could have been

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lance_lngdn: I felt happy and full, but I know that she wasn't.

lance_lngdn: Valerie Pierce is irrevocably and helplessly in love with Tom Holland.

lance_lngdn: That's all. I hope the threats to my friend will stop coming. She doesn't deserve this.

lance_lngdn Oh and usernamex, whoever from our school you are, get a life. Fuck you.

username: OOHHHH WHAT NOW usernamex

username: thank you for clearing things out for us. we love our mother quackson.

usernamex: oh boo don't try and protect little hoe valerie because we all know her dirt

lovaticurrent : oh boo don't try and ruin pierceland bc we all know now you're a rat

lovaticurrent : maybe turn on your location? i just want to talk.

kaiiparker : same but i have my pitch forks and knife with me if that's okay lovaticurrent

username: I like this dude.

username: but still we can all agree that kissing another boy's gf is disagreeable

username: why should we trust you?

lance_lngdn: Believe what you want to believe. This is the truth. Maybe you'd rather believe someone who hides on twitter.

username: lmao how he dragged usernamex

username: i like u man

username: #TomerieProtectionSquad

username: the quackson family is okay again


I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't want to update because I don't want to end this story. And I'm not finished writing the last chapter.

Hello to the two readers who requested to do a cameo in the story. Here you guys are. Love you!

[43k are you kidding me?! tysm!]

Time Bomb [Tom Holland]Where stories live. Discover now