Chapter 9

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(Grace's pov)

"How could I think Tivan could contain whatever was within the orb?" Gamora asks angry at herself as we walk outside. "How do you think I feel? We had one of those on terra for who knows how many centuries" I say. Rocket and groot then come up to us and rocket sees gamora holding the orb "what do you still have it for?!?" He asks "what are we gonna do, just leave it in there?" Quill asks "I can't believe you had that ting in your purse!" Rocket yells officially freaking out. "It's not a purse, it's a knapsack!" Quill corrects rockets "is that really important right know?!?" I shout. "We have to bring it to the nova core. There's a chance they can contain it." Gamora says. "Are you kidding me?!? We're wanted by the nova core. Just give it to Ronan." Rocket says. "So he can destroy he galaxy!?! Are you out of your mind!!" I ask "what are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? What would you wanna save it?" Rocket asks. "Well, since your asking, and this is jut off the top of my head, because we fucking live in it!!" I yell. "You saw what that thing did!" Quill says agreeing with me. "Listen to me. We can not allow the stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to go back to your ship and deliver it to nova." Gamora says to quill and I.

"Right, right. Okay, I think your right." Quill says, thank god he's using his brain for once. "Or..." he says "or?" I question growing angry, he grabs the orb from gamora and continues "we could give it to someone who's not going to arrest us, who's really nice, for a whole lot of money." He finished. I snatch the orb from him and step away from him "I physically can't believe you!" I yell between my teeth. " I think it's a really good balance between the two points of view." Quill says "billions of people could die and you want to sell it?!? I can't believe I thought you had a brain!" I say, gamora and I walk off only to be come to a stop as ships start to land in front of us. "oh, no." she says dead stands in front of all of us his daggers in hand "at last! I shall meet my foe and destroy him." He says "you called Ronan?!?" Quill and I yell as the ship lands "quill! Benson! Don't you two move!" Quill and I turn to the voice to see Hindu and the ravengers. Just great as if the genocidal maniac wasn't enough. Quill, gamora, rocket, and myself all head for a construction yard and each climb in a pod. Once in the air it doesn't take long for Ronan's ships to catch up to us.

I fly the pod though the air as I become the main focus of the gunfire. "Some help would be appreciated right about now" I say "Rocket keep them off grace until she gets to the Milano." Quill says "how? We've got no weaponry on these things." Rocket replies "these pods are industrial grade. They're nearly indescribable." Quill answers. "Not against necroblasts they're not." Rocket says "for god sakes, rocket! use the pod as a bartering ram we don't have all day!" I interrupt rocket has a moment of realization then proceeds to ram his pod into one of Ronan's ships causing it to fly into another. "Guys not to be a pain, but can we maybe focus on the ships that are on my ass right now?" I ask I turn a corner to see quill has taken a ship and using the mining abilities of the ship to steer it. I pass and he shoots necroblasts at the ships following me. "Ok that was pretty awesome." I admit to myself quill probably smiling to himself at my comment.

Just when I think I'm in the clear more of Ronan's ships are hot on my tail once again "you have got to be kidding me. I didn't see this many ships when the dude arrived." I think aloud. I maneuver as best I can to put run them but the corner me and I ram into a wall then another and I'm trapped as I try to find a way out. That's exactly what I have to do. Get out. "Quill! I'm not gonna make it to our ship. They've got me cornered. I'm heading out." I inform "wait! These things aren't meant to go out there." I hear quill say "I don't have a choice" I answer as I head out the ships following "just make sure you get the orb!" I yell just before my pod is hit.

(Peter's pov)

I follow Gracie out to try and stop her somehow "just make sure you get the orb!" She says I arrive outside knowhere as her comm is cut off and I watch as her pod is destroyed "Gracie!!"

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