17. Breakfast

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Three days later, it was 4:00 a.m. and Anna woke screaming. "GABRIEL! NOOOOO!"

Gabriel woke to her screaming and sat up. "Anna? Anna Darling, what's wrong?"

Anna looked over and hugged him tight starting to cry. "Oh thank God. It was just a nightmare. It felt so real though."

Gabriel hugs her and rubs her back. "What was the nightmare, Darling?"

Anna looks up with the tears still streaming silently. "W...w...we were on a mission to kill a sphinx and I got knocked unconscious while you tried to finish it off. You miscalculated a move and the sphinx killed you. That's when I woke up screaming."

He pulled her close against him and tried calming her down. "Shhhhh. It's alright. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Kisses the top of her head.

"I love you so much, Gabriel." She whispers.

"I love you too, My Darling Anna." He replies.

It was 8:30 when they officially got up. Gabriel went to the library to find Carl and Anna went to make breakfast. "Hmmm. What should I make for breakfast today?" She thought aloud. Anna went to the fridge and looked to see what she had. "Lets see here. We got grits, oatmeal, strawberries, pineapple, bacon, watermelon, grapes, and eggs." She looked back at the eggs and bacon. "Ooh. Eggs and bacon is perfect. Then I'll cut up the strawberries and pull out the grapes. That's the perfect breakfast combination." She finalized and pulled the said items out. She put the bacon in the skillet and set it on medium heat. She pulled some grapes off their vines and set them in a bowl. She then cut up the strawberries and set them in a separate bowl. She finished cooking the bacon and sat it on a plate. She rinsed the pan and then started cooking the eggs. She made some scrambled first and then some dippy for choice. Then she made what's called Bird's Nest and made three sets.

Gabriel and Carl smelled the food from the library and came down to the kitchen. "Anna, what you making?"

Anna turned around and smiled. "Just in time. I made eggs and bacon. I cut up some strawberries and got some grapes. I figured you can choose what eggs you want, so I made some scrambled, dippy, and what's called Bird's Nest. Help yourself." She said getting plates down.

Gabriel took a Bird's nest and a dippy egg, ten pieces of bacon, a spoonful of grapes, and three spoonfuls of strawberries. He sat down while the other two got their plates. Carl chose the scrambled eggs, took five pieces of bacon, four spoonfuls of grapes, and a spoonful of strawberries. Anna took a Bird's Nest and a dippy egg, two pieces of bacon, and one spoonful each of the grapes and strawberries. The two sat down with Anna across from Gabriel. Gabriel took his first bite of the Bird's Nest and made a face of being in heaven. He swallowed and looked at her. "That's amazing, Anna. It's wonderful. Thank you for making breakfast."

Anna smiled. "Thank you. And you're welcome." She said then ate her meal.

Carl seemed to be ravaging his. He got done in five minutes and looked at Anna. "It was a wonderful breakfast, Princess. Thank you." He said putting his dishes in the sink and Anna nodded. "Well, I'm off to the library again." He mused and left.

Anna giggled at the friar's behavior and went back to eating. Gabriel just shook his head and quickly finished his. He put the dishes in the sink and Anna followed with hers. She hugged him from behind. "I can't believe our wedding is almost here."

Gabriel turned around and hugged her. "I know. Me either." He replied and pecked her lips. "It'll be here soon enough. I better get back to help Carl."

"Ok. Hey, I'm going to go have my dress made. So I'll be in town for a few hours. If you need anything, you know where to find me."

"Ok, Love. Be careful. Take your sword and a gun just for precaution."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too." He said then kissed her softly. One he let linger for a few seconds before pulling away. "See you later." He said then left.

Anna grabbed the necessary weapons and headed to the clothes maker.

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