24. New Friends and A New Family Member

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Jasmine took Aladdin to her room and had Genie give him some pajamas while she changed into hers. Aladdin was backed into a wall having found Rajah awake. "Nice kitty." He said pushing himself harder against the wall.

Jasmine came out and saw the situation. "Rajah, no! He's living with us. This is Aladdin."

Rajah looked at her then sniffed Aladdin and growled. But then she sniffed him again and licked his face. Aladdin relaxed and petted her. "Nice Rajah."

Rajah purred then went back to bed. Jasmine giggled at his expression. "She was my birthday present from Mama and Papa. Don't get on her bad side and she won't hurt you."

Aladdin nodded and got into bed beside her. Abu slept on Carpet on the floor. Jasmine snuggled into him for warmth. It surprised Aladdin, but then he smiled and wrapped his arm around her. "Good nite, Princess."

Jasmine looked up at him and smiled. "You're my new best friend, Aladdin."

"And you are mine, Jasmine. Good nite."

"Good nite." She replied and fell asleep.

The next morning, Anna had made breakfast and came to wake the children. When she got to Jasmine's room, she saw the two wrapped in each others arms. *Awww. They're so cute together.* She thought then went to wake them. "Jasmine. Aladdin. Time to wake up. I made breakfast. It's french toast and pancakes."

Jasmine heard that and snapped her eyes open and got dressed and ran down for breakfast. Aladdin woke due to the quick movement and looked at Anna. "Where's Jasmine?"

Anna giggled. "She went down for breakfast. It's french toast and pancakes. My mother's recipe."

"Cool. I'll be down in a minute." He replied getting up.

Anna nodded and went down for breakfast. She saw the kids and her husband waiting patiently and sat down in her spot. Aladdin came down dressed and found an empty seat next to Jasmine. He sat down and smiled. Anna started praying. "Thank you, Lord for this food we're about to receive. Without your generosity and guidance, our family would be starved and poor. Thank you, Lord. Amen."

"Amen" Everyone echoed. They ate their breakfast and chatted in small groups.

Everything was going smoothly. When everyone was done, they went their separate ways for the day. Jasmine took Aladdin upstairs and taught him everything she knew about their family history and Dracula. About an hour later, a knock came from the front door. Gabriel being in the den heard it and opened the door. "Well, hello, Fiona. What are you doing here?"

"Mama's out shopping and told me to come here to play so I wasn't bored. Is Megan and Jasmine home?"

"Yes. Come on in. I'll go get them." He said and went to the library where Jasmine and Aladdin were. "Jasmine, Fiona's here to play with you and your sister. Her mama went shopping for a few hours."

"Coming, Papa. I'll get Megan."

Gabriel nodded and went back to his work. Jasmine took Aladdin with her and they went to Megan's room. Jasmine knocked. "Come in." Megan called.

The two walked in. "Hey, Meg. Papa said Fiona's here to play with us. She's waiting downstairs. Her mama went shopping for a few hours."

"Ok. Just let me finish writing my sentence." She said finishing it quickly and putting her diary down. "There. Lets go." She said pulling the two down the stairs to where Fiona was waiting. "Hey, Fi!"

"Hey. Who's the boy?" Fiona asked seeing Aladdin.

"Oh! I haven't been formally introduced yet either. All Mama said was that he was living with us now." Megan replied.

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