Chapter 12: Birds man...

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Hey everyone! Glad to see you guys have stuck around. Honestly this has been the most fun book to write! Also the little conversations I get to have with a few of you guys are the best!
~Your POV~

I set the owl down on my bed and quickly made it a little nest out of the hand towels in the bathroom because...I don't know. When I finished the best the little owl went over to it and sat down in it, I honestly didn't think it would like the hastily makeshift nest...Oh well. I sat on one side of my bed and waited for E.J to come up and help me with this bird.

Speak of the devil. E.J slammed open my door then slammed it shut and locked it, he then put his back on the door. I questioned what he was doing until I heard banging on my door.

"E.J! SEED EATER IS IN MY ROOM DESTROYING MY GAMES! YOU-" The banging stopped and I heard a shrill shriek, assuming it was Ben I grabbed the chair and put it against the door and under the handle.

"So...Why was he yelling?"

"I let S.E into his room..." (A/n S.E means Seed Eater because I'm to lazy to write out the hole name...)


"...I asked him to feed it...A week ago."

"Oh my gosh." I face palmed.

"So, back to this little guy, his wing is slightly injured and he needs food." E.J said looking at the owl.

"He?" I questioned

"Do you really want me to explain this?"

"No...What does he eat?" 


"Ew." I stuck out my tongue and made a disgusted face, which made E.J chuckle a little.  

"Go down stairs to the kitchen and look in the lower cabinets for mice traps...I'll stay here and patch up this little guy." E.J said. I ran over to my table and picked up a marker and piece of paper then jotted down the name knight. Then I hastily walked back over to the owl and set the piece of paper against the little nest and then ran down stairs to the kitchen...Now, I wasn't looking forward to finding a dead mouse, AT ALL! Ew.

I slowly walked down to the kitchen wanting to stall as much time as I could. Before I entered the kitchen I caught something out of the corner of my eye in the dining room, and almost jumped out of my skin at what I saw. Now, a small thing to remember is that Prism is part of the Slender family, which means she has the same abilities as her father and uncles. I forgot this. So when I saw Prism setting the table with snake like appendages coming from her back, you could imagine my surprise!

"Priiiiiism?" I said dragging out the I in her name...I wonder why she had an unusual name anywho?

"Yeah Y/n?" She looked up at me and smiled, ya know...I just noticed she doesn't actually look seven anymore...I'll ask her about that later.

"Why are there snakes coming out of your BACK?!"

"I'm a slender...Tendrils are normal?"

"...This isn't over!" I yelled running into the kitchen, "IIITS NOT OVER!!!" I sighed and started to look in the cabinets...

~Time Skip~

So...I have a bag with dead mice in it, never did I ever think I would join a house of killers hiding from the police because they think I killed Nori, Zaxi, Aiden, Nathan, and Sarah, possibly find my real family, almost crush an elf (Ben), see a ghost girl come back to life, find an owl, and lastly...Collect mice for said owl. Yeah, nothing that was listed had ever crossed my mind. I always thought I'd grow up in the orphanage, get to old, they'd kick me out...And so on so forth! So, I was walking up the stairs with a bag of mice for an owl that I snuck into the mansion. Luckily I had found some tongs so I didn't have to touch the mice or bag.  

When I got to my room I dropped the bag next to Knight.

"I'm never doing that again!" I said flopping onto my bed, "That was gross man...Why couldn't you go do that?!"

"Because I'm not a child." He said from the table. I glared at the back of his head and walked up behind him. I then grabbed the back of his hoodie and dragged his to the door.

"Is knight okay?" I said in a dark demanding tone. E.J nodded and I threw him out the door, then hearing a satisfying crash I closed my door again. Some adults...Well, I actually think E.J is a teenager. Like Jeff...Ben, Ben is a child. Maybe not really, but he is in appearance and maybe mostly mentally. Dunno...

I sighed and sat on my bed again, looking up at the ceiling I slowly drifted off...I'll talk to Slender when I get to it...I'm tired...


Word Count: 854

Hey everyone! Sorry this was a little late, I had to clean THE ENTIRE HOUSE, because of course...Lets make the teenager clean the entire house to the point of perfection...Because she is a teenager.

Anyway, I'll see you guys next week! Bye! (sorry for the kind of short chapter)

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