Chapter 17: Happy Birthday to me?

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Sorry but...This isn't a chapter!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating on the days that I said I would (every Friday) but I've been busy ^w^

Also, guys my birthday is (or was, depending on when you read this) on Saturday, the fifteenth!! Ahhhh! I'm super excited...Although all my friends are busy T^T

I was thinking about doing a Q&A or something like that...So if you have any questions write them in the comments!

Love you guys so much! Your all so very kind and awesome, all the nice comments have really encouraged me to keep on writing even when I was rather down thinking that no one would read anything I wrote. This book has gotten over 6K reads from all over! Hello people! Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you guys SO much for everything! Until next time everyone!

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