Chapter 20: New Girl? And I ship it.

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The picture above is an OC by GeriTheKiller!! Her name is Gerika, I hope I drew her accurately!! And thank you for letting me draw her.


~Your POV~

I sat quietly eating the waffles Toby made me, since he didn't know how to make anything else. Which was upsetting. Sighing I set the fork down and leaned back into the chair, so much has been happening lately. I'll be glad when things finally start to slow down again...Maybe I can finally get some sleep. I enjoyed the silence for a few moments before it was interrupted...

"Gerika you NEED to take your pills!"


"Gerika yes!"

"Prism no!" I watched as a girl with short orange hair and orange eyes run by me with Prism chasing after her. Prism launched herself at the lady and held a pill bottle infront of her face.

"Take them, or I'll call for Uncle Slendy." She said in a threating tone, the girl nodded and ended up taking them.

"Prism? Who is this?" I asked, gaining their attention.

"Y/n!! This is Gerika." She said motioning to the girl. I looked her way and noticed a few things I didn't before.

Gerika had orange fox ears and a tail! She also had wings that where made of daggers which was a blue at the bottom and faded into an orange that matched her hair. Her skin was littered in scars and cuts. She wore bandages around her chest and short red shorts, along with golden colored high top converse. The two most interesting things where her belly button piercing that was shaped like a gosh darn waffle, and her bright orange eyes where the middle of them was shaped like a flame.

"Hello. I'm Y/n or Night Owl..." I said setting my fork down.

"The names Gerika! Or Flame." She replied back. I nodded and turned back to Prism.

"What where you doing...?"

"Trying to get her to take her freaking pills!"

"Aye! I don't need those things!"

"Yes you do Gerika! My father placed me in charge of making sure you take them!" Gerika rolled her eyes and walked off towards the front yard with Prism tailing not to far behind, two pill bottles in hand. Which she shoved into her pocket. Considering Prism had to chase after the orange haired girl before, pretty sure the next time will end in an all out war. I sighed and turned back to my waffles, continuing to eat.

I was just about finished with my food when dad, came into the room and sat across from me. His head was facing towards me the entire time, so I snapped my fingers  in front of him. That seemed to get his attention.

"Did you need something?" I titled my head a little bit.

"Nah...Just came to see you." He said taking his hat off and he ran his hand over his head then put it back on. I nodded in response, "So, what do you like to do?"

"Hmm... I've recently started to get into anime..."

"Oh? Which one?"

"I think it was called Black Butler, maybe?"

"I haven't seen that one...Any ships?"


"Like...You ship to characters together?"


"I'll explain!" He said, his non-existent face brightening up immediately.

~One long explanation Later~

"So...Like Ben and Prism? If I think they'd be cute together that would be shipping...?"

"Essentially! Now your getting it!" I felt a sinister smile creep its was onto my face.

"Good. Because I really, really ship Ben and Prism..."

"Oh my god, are we talking about Ben and Prism?" A voice whispered from next to me. I jumped and looked to my side to see Gerika with a bright smile on her face.

"We are in fact! Do you ship it too...?"

"Yes." The three of us started talking about it again. My world was just opened up to new possibilities, and I was so excited. It continued like this until we cam up with the bright idea to freaking spy on them, I don't know how it came to mind...But it did. Gerika, dad, and I where peaking into the living room from the kitchen door. Ben was currently sitting Indian style on the floor playing a videogame while Prism was leaning on his back with her head on his shoulder and was watching him play.

I looked up to see dad and Gerika trying to hold on giggles or squeals. Which caused me to let out a small giggle and turn back to the two in the living room. They really would be a cute couple. At least I though so. They where both short so... That made it cuter.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and I let out a laugh, which resulted in Prism's head snapping up and look towards where we where hiding. She slowly started to get up from her spot.

"OH MY ZALGO! Y/N, GERIKA RUN!" Dad yelled disappearing into thin air.

"YOU JERK!" I was lifted up and over Gerika's shoulder as she started to run outside and into the woods.

"UNCLE OFFENDY! GERIKA! Y/N! GET YOUR BUTTS BACK HERE!" I heard Prism scream at the top of her lungs. I looked up to see her on the porch of the mansion, her face beet red. Ben walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, which caused her face to turn darker. She looked back to where Gerika was carrying me...

"We are so dead..."

"It seems so..."


Word count: 1010

I'm sorry, but I think it would be so cute ^w^

So I just wanted to say that I would REALLY appreciate it if you would check out a few of my original stories. I get that fan fiction is super popular, and I love writing it! But I also want to be able to write some of my original stories and have people see that I can write something other than just fan fiction.

Thank you for reading this!

ALSO! After this is published I will be publishing one of my old books that I'm rewriting, please please PLEASE check it out! Cya my little creepers!!

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