Chapter 13: Night Owl

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Yo! Good to see you guys here, I hope your doing well! Also...I just have to...I'm sorry but this is my favorite game right now...Also sorry if this chapter isn't very good, I wrote this around 12:11 am...


~Prism's POV~

Y/n had walked into the kitchen saying it's not over, what was she talking about? She knows I'm part of the Slender family, so I would have the same abilities as my father and uncles would, right? I shrugged and laughed then continued to set the table like my uncle had asked me to do.  And ever since I had come back to life, the voice in my head hasn't been saying anything. So I assume it's gone. Hopefully!

'Prism.' My uncle had said in my head.

"Yes sir?"

'S.E is chasing Ben around, could you please go try to calm those two down?'

"Sure thing!" Once I was sure Slender was out of my head I smirked and went off to find S.E and Ben.

'Those two idiots...'

~Your POV in her dreeeaaam land~

I was completely surrounded by darkness, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. Letting my hand fall back to my side I looked around, my eyes stopping on the one place that was actually lit up. I walked over to it and reached my hand out to touch the light. But right as I was able to see my hand I heard a growling from behind me...I turned and saw a terrifying sight. Behind me was Nori, Zaxi, Sarah, Aiden, and Nathan, and behind them was a creature with a mouth full of sharp teeth and long claws on its hands. I tried to scream but it was no use...The creature swiped its claws at me.

~End of dream~

I gasped and sat upright, checking for any wounds and not finding any. I sighed and looked around my room...Then heard a yelp from outside. I got up from my bed and walked over to my window to see Ben being chased by a large creature, I started to panic a little thinking it was the creature from my dream, then calming down seeing that it was nothing like the thing I saw...

After a few minuets I saw Prism chasing after the two, I laughed as she tripped over a tree root and fell into a puddle of mud, getting her black dress all messed up and her white hair got mud all over it. She sighed and just face planted into the mud, completely giving up on chasing Ben and the creature. I looked back to where Ben was and saw that the creature had tackled him and taken his hat. I laughed even more when the creature had ran over to where Prism was and jumped over her, when ben chased after it he had tripped over Prism though, and ended up face first In the mud as well. I face palmed and sighed...I haven't been here very long, and I can already tell some people here are either clumsy...Or plain stupid. Probably stupid.

I noticed that Knight was being awfully quiet, and I looked back to see that he was asleep...Walking over I almost screamed as Slendy appeared right in front of me.

"GOSH DANG IT SLENDY!!!" I yelled as I tried to shove him away from me, key word tried.. Slendy picked me up with one of his tendrils and held me up so I was face to face with him.

"Child, we need to talk." He said and in a blink of an eye we where in his office...He should really open a curtain, or turn on a light. Its dark in here.

"So what's up Slendy?" I asked leaning back in my chair.

"I need your creepypasta name, then depending on what weapon you choose you will be training with someone who has the same weapon..." He said looking through a drawer, "I already gave you time to think about it."

"Uhhhhhhh..." I thought for a few seconds...'Why did I not put more thought into this before...Ugh, lets see...I have a ooowwwlll....Owls are up suuuper late...' I contemplated what I should be called in my head for a little longer..."I SHALL BE CALLED NIGHT OWL MR. SLENDY!"

"You're sure?"


"Alright then child...You may go if you wish."

"Thanks old man." I said getting up and walking out the door. Once I was in the living room I saw Prism yelling and Ben for slightly ripping her dress where his foot had hit her side when he tripped over her, and Ben playing videogames not paying attention to her, she growled and I sighed then walked over to her.

"Prism, you can beat Ben up later. You should go change and get Trendy to fix your dress." I said pulling her upstairs to her room. I'm pretty sure if I had let them be Prism would have actually killed him...Not that I would have minded. The elf was a little bit annoying.

"...Today has been all over the place man..." Prism said going into her room and straight to her closet, I followed her into her room and just sat on her bed as she went into the bathroom to change.

"Just a little bit..." I replied, "Prism, do you know why or how your alive again? I mean its a little strange don't you think?"

"I honestly don't know...One second I'm dead the next I'm alive again! Once you think about it it is a little weird though..."

"Should we look into it?"


"Do you even want to?"

"Not really...I want to focus on finding out if you are Uncle Slendy's kid or not...You would think I would remember what my own cousin would look like right?" Prism said laughing a little.

"I guess..." I said messing with my shirt a little bit, Prism then came out in a grey-ish blue dress with a white outline of a bird and black bird cages on the bottom of the dress.

" I said messing with my shirt a little bit, Prism then came out in a grey-ish blue dress with a white outline of a bird and black bird cages on the bottom of the dress

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"Whats with you and dresses?" I asked Prism as she jumped and threw herself onto her bed.

"I like them." Was what she replied with.

"...Your story passes..."

"Thank you."

"I have a pet owl."



Word Count: 1,068

Hey everyone! Once again sorry this this chapter may have not been the best one out of all 13 of them, but I did write this like...Super late at night...And for once I'm actually tired, how amazingly crazy is that?! Any ways, good night and I'll see you next week!!!


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