Full of Sunshine and Grumpy Cats

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Ok let's get the boring stuff over with so you can understand what is going on! :)

(Y/N) Your name

(L/N) Last Name

(Y/C/N) Your country name

(F/C) Favorite color

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair Color

(E/C) Eye color

(E/L) Eye length... Jk, this is not real, enjoy the story! oU<

It was late in the month of March, and (Y/N) (L/N) had been able to finish school early and fly to Russia to spend the summer with her Aunt Alexandra and her family. Although she was happy to see her aunt and cousins, (Y/N) did not want to leave (Y/C/N), due to the fact that she had a mega big crush on her next door neighbor, Josh Davis, and was afraid her bitter enemy...ok, across the street neighbor, would make a move on Josh while she was away.

Sighing, you shook your head, trying not to think of back home. "You have a job to do, and it requires your full attention!" You mentally reminded yourself as you carefully dried the inside of a glass coffee pot. You were being extra careful not to drop it as you placed it back under the brewing machine, because the new manager of the café in which you worked was watching you. Closely. Like, 'quit staring man, it's rude' closely.

"Drop one or seven coffee pots, and they treat you like you can't be trusted with glass. Jeez, I'm not a baby." You thought as you powered up the brewer, loosing yourself deep in the realm of your mind once again. You were so deep in thought about pointless nonsense that you didn't notice your manager slip out for the evening.

"Oi! Girl! Were you even listening to me? And what's with that weird face you're making? It's creepy." A voice with a thick Russian accent broke you free from the abyss of your mind.

"Oh, sorry! I was lost in thought." You said as you smiled at the customer. He appeared to be around 15 years of age, had soft blonde hair covering one eye, and his visible eye was a sharp green blue. "Can I get you anything?"

"What kind of stupid question is that?' The boy grunted as he rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't be bothering to speak to you if I didn't want anything, idiot. Give me a large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream to go, and you better not use skim milk, or I will have your manager fire you." You blinked, stunned by the boy's rudeness. Trying to shake it off, you smiled, mumbling an "As you wish, sir." As you hurried to fulfill the order, you realized the shop was out of large to go cups,so you scurried into the storage room to retrieve more, only to find out your entire stock was gone.

"Well crap!" You thought as you came back into the front of the shop. The boy was lazily looking at something on his phone, so he did not notice you coming empty handed. Gathering your confidence, you spoke to the boy.

"Sir, we are all out of the large to go cups... If you'd be fine with it, you can have a large souvenir cup instead. It has a cute skater on it, and I can give it to you for no additional cost."

"Today seriously sucks." The boy groaned, putting his phone in his pocket, and pulling out a credit card. "Fine! I don't have the whole evening, get me the cup with the skater." You nodded, glad he was not yelling at you.

"Do you want the Yuri Plisetsky cup, or the Viktor Nikiforov one, Mr.?" You asked as you pulled the two cups out of a cupboard beneath the cash register. The boy had a slight smirk on his face.

"I don't know. Which do you think is cuter? I'll take the one you choose." He asked you. You looked at the Viktor cup, seeing a picture of Viktor making a peace sign with his mouth in his adorable heart-shaped smile. The Yuri cup, on the other hand, had a picture of Yuri wearing a pair of cat ears, scowling.

"Personally, Yuri. It's kind of cute how grumpy he looks with the cat ears on." You said with a giggle. The boy nodded, a slight smile appearing at the corner of his lips. "You know what? You kind of look like him."

"Oh really?"

After you fulfilled the order to the boy's liking, he left without even saying thank you.

"Rude." You thought as you started to close up the shop for the evening. Everything was quiet, and you were all alone. As you wiped the counter, you noticed a card. Thinking it was a business card, you picked it up, but upon examination, you discovered it was a credit card... The same the grumpy cat boy had used.

"Oh no..."

The Barista and the Figure Skater (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader) (lmao editing this)Where stories live. Discover now