A Light in the Darkness

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You dashed out the door, barely remembering to grab your coat and lock the door behind you. Cold night air chilled your skin as you began searching for the grumpy blonde boy on the streets of St. Petersburg. The sun had sank below the horizon, signaling the streetlights to flicker on. Panting, you stopped running, realizing you had no clue where to find the boy. There were over 5 million people in this city, how were you going to find one boy? Quietly, you sat on a street curb to collect your thoughts as people passed you, chattering in Russian to each other.

"If I only knew more Russian I could ask around for him." You miserably thought. Looking up at a passing boy, you noticed he had the same build as the coffee shop boy, and same hair length, but it was too dark to make out his facial features well. Suddenly, the boy noticed you, a look of panic crossing over him as he took off running. "Pozhaluysta! Podozhdite!" (Please! Wait!) You called after the boy as you shot to your feet and took off after the boy. "Podozhdite!" (Wait!) The boy darted down a narrow alleyway, leaping over garbage cans and slipping into another back alley. Sighing, you parkoured off of the building's wall and over the garbage cans, landing perfectly and darting after the boy. After a quick pursuit, you caught up to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you the boy from earlier? You dropped your-"

"Sumasshedshaya akrobaticheskaya ledi! Pochemu vy dolzhny okhotit'sya na menya?!" (Crazy acrobatic lady! Why must you hunt me?!) The boy shouted, frightened as he backed away into a corner.

"Oh uh... Mne tak zhal'! YA dumal, chto ty utka? (I'm so sorry, I thought you were a duck) No, that's not right!" You said exasperated, trying to remember your Russian lessons. "Moy russkiy plokh. Ty govorish' po-angliyski?" (My Russian is bad. Do you speak English?) You asked hopefully.

"Net! Ostav' menya v pokoye, idiot!" (No! Leave me alone, you idiot!) Shouted the boy. You were offended, but decided not to start an argument when neither of you spoke each other's language well. Moving to the side, you allowed the boy to pass you. Running at full speed, the boy left your sight. Shaking your head, you walked back out to the main roads, when you realized something. You were lost. In Russia. In the city. At night, and alone. Reaching into your pocket for you phone, you realized you had left it at home. Tears threatened to come pouring out of your eyes as you hurriedly sat beneath a streetlight. Flickering, the light went out, leaving you in total darkness, alone... or so you thought. Huddling into a ball to keep warm, you were unaware of a figure lurking in the dark behind you. As you sniffed back tears, you put you hands in your pocket. You felt the card, and remembered your whole mission; to get the lost card back to the rude boy. Feeling a little more courageous as you remembered your goal, you stood up, ready to keep looking, when a arm suddenly wrapped around your waist.

"Ty poteryalas', devochka? Gorod ne yavlyayetsya bezopasnym mestom v nochnoye vremya." (Are you lost, girl? The city is not a safe place at night.) A deep voice spoke into your ear in an almost whisper. "Especially when you don't speak our language well, (Y/C/N) malyshka." (Little girl)

Quickly, you flung yourself away from the man, getting into a defensive stance.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" You demanded while trying, and failing, to sound confident. Chuckling, the man stepped forwards.

"I have no intention of harming you, malyshka. " The man said in a calm and soothing voice. "I can tell you are nervous, so why don't we move to the streetlight on the street corner so we can have some light." You nodded cautiously, following the man to the corner. When you arrived, you noticed the man was actually a boy of about 17 years of age, with dark hair and crystal blue eyes. You had to admit, he was pretty cute.

"Now then, Miss?"

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)." You said, calming down a bit.

"Alright then, Miss (Y/N), I have two things to say. One, you have an absolutely beautiful name, your parents must have realized you'd be as pretty as it," he said with a smile, "and secondly, if you tell me where you are trying to go, I can take you there. I wouldn't want you getting hurt or mugged by some ruffian while you wander about." You were stunned. A stranger was going to go out of their way to help you, when there was nothing you could do in return.

"I... I don't know what to say... Thank you.."


"Thanks, Alyosha." You said, smiling brightly at him. "Can you bring me to the St. Petersburg Ice Rink? I can call my family from there." Alyosha grimaced a bit, then nodded.

"Yes, I can, but I can only take you to the street corner. Yuri Plisetsky skates there, and he is not a big fan of me... At all. But, come, it's late, and your family is probably really worried about you." He said as he took your hand in his and started walking down the street.

-Time Skip, brought to you by Yuri's cat, Potya-

You had arrived at the street corner, and Alyosha placed a few coins in your palm, then closed it, kissing your knuckles then said goodbye, waving to you as he walked away. Quickly, you ran to the skating center, sighing in relief as the door opened. You were greeted by the sound of frustrated arguing as you walked into the building and to a payphone on the wall. You called your aunt, telling her you got lost, but a kind boy help you, and you were ok. You heard lots of crying on your aunt's end of the phone, and she eventually hung up so she could call your cousins and uncle and tell them you were found, and to pick you up. You decided to sit on one of the benches while you waited for your family. It was 11pm, which was normally your bedtime. On normal nights, you would still be wide awake, but tonight you were exhausted, almost falling asleep as you huddled into a ball on the bench. When you finally gave into your drowsiness, you slipped into the land of dreams, only to be woken up by someone shaking you gently. Your eyes fluttered open, and you saw a beautiful Russian lady with reddish hair that came to just below her jaw.

"Are you alright, miss?" The woman asked you. Groggily, you nodded you head yes, mumbling that your aunt was coming to pick you up soon. Smiling at your sleepiness, the woman took your hand, guiding you to a cushioned chair in a room next to the locker rooms. You were about to fall asleep again when a boy busted in shouting.

"Mila! It's not in my locker, either! And I already checked my bag twice, so don't tell me to check there again!" The boy shouted.

"Have you checked your pockets, Yuri?" Mila asked while bringing her fingers to her lips, signaling for Yuri to quiet down.

"Oi, I'm not an idiot!" The boy yelled. "My credit card is probably being charged by some street thief."

"Credit card?" You mumbled sleepily as you sat up. Yuri noticed you for the first time, whipping around to see your face.

"Hey! Your that girl who took forever with my order!" Yuri exclaimed.

"Yup!" You giggled. "And you are one of the rudest customers I've ever had! You were is such a hurry to leave that you didn't even say goodbye, or" you smiled sweetly as you pulled his credit card out of your pocket, "even remember to take your credit card off of the counter."

(1318 Words :) )

The Barista and the Figure Skater (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader) (lmao editing this)Where stories live. Discover now