Chapter 4

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(Y/N) lay sleeping in her chair as Yuri grumpily stood guard. She had been asleep for about 20 minutes, and Yuri was becoming even more impatient with the sleeping girl. After 45 minutes had passed, Yuri checked the time in his phone. The white lights glowed, informing him that it was 11:50pm. Even the building's receptionist had already turned in for the night, leaving only Yuri and (Y/N) in the building. Feeling frustrated, Yuri tried to shake her awake, but to no avail.

"Stupid (Y/N), stupid Mila, stupid (Y/N)'s family for taking so long!" Yuri grunted as he kicked the chair's leg with each 'stupid' that escaped his lips. "Wake up already!" With one final kick, he gave up, plopping on to the back of the chair and tried to get comfortable.

"Hellooooo? Yurio? Are you still here?" A voice called out in English, a thick Russian accent making it even more melodious then it already was. Yuri froze, debating whether or not his situation would improve if he acknowledged the presence of the incoming Russian. While debating internally, fate decided for him in the shape of a fluffy dog. Makkachin, who was wearing a doggie jacket and backpack, darted into the room, leaping into the air and landing smack down on Yuri's crotch. Immediately, Yuri fell to the floor saying quite unpleasant words in Russian as Makkachin lay down in the spot formerly held by Yuri looking quite pleased with herself as she waited for her master's arrival.

"Yurio? What are you doing yelling on floor for?" Viktor asked with an innocent expression as he smiled down at the boy who had toppled over in pain.

"Shut up!" Yuri groaned as he staggered back onto his feet. Viktor was about to say something when he paused, noticing the sleeping (Y/N) in the chair.

"Who's the girl?" He asked as he walked over to her quietly, watching her sleep peacefully with a slight smile on his face.

"(Y/N). She's a barista. Her family is a pain, they were supposed to pick her up hours ago. I'm stuck here watching her because Mila forced me to stay." Complained Yuri as he shot daggers out of his eyes at Makkachin.

"Oooh this is (Y/N)? I'm friends with her aunt! She makes this really weird food that tastes really good, although I don't remember what it's called or-"

"I don't care about food her aunt makes. How do I find the lady and dump (Y/N) off on her?" Viktor just smiled at Yurio as Yuri asked his question in an annoyed tone.

"That'll be impossible. Didn't you see the news? There was huge accident blocking the only road into this part of town. I got a call from (Y/N)'s aunt asking me to pick up her niece at the skating rink since she can't get past the blockage herself. It also looks like you'll be spending some quality time with me, Yurio! You can't get home either!" Viktor said while making his classic heart shaped smile. Yuri froze.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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The Barista and the Figure Skater (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader) (lmao editing this)Where stories live. Discover now