nova: #7 : cliques

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Alright, you guys, I have returned to maliciously rant about another reason I want to ram my head into a wall.



Now, please know that cliques aren’t at all like the movies. In the movies (take ‘Mean Girls’ for example) the idea of cliques is so noticeable that it pops out like a zit. Not in my high school or many others, for that matter.

Mr. Clique is much more stealthy than that.

Before I get into my point, here’s a definition of the word ‘clique’:

“a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.”

Ahahah, nice one. Notice how laid back that sounds. The definition is that, not the real definition, which is, “STAND BY ALL YOU FUCKERS I SWEAR IF YOU COME NEAR ME AND YOU DON’T LIKE ZAC EFRON I WILL TAZER YOU YOU LITTLE ASSHOLES. –hisses and runs off into the sunset-“

A little exaggerated, but you get the point. See, I’m one of those few people who wouldn’t mind being friends with everybody (though you’ll have to make the first move because I’m incredibly shy), unless you’re a big asshole or something.

Unfortunately, so many people separated themselves from others with their social class, race, sexual identity, and interests. I see most of the separation of popular people and unpopular people, like myself.

I’d actually love to be friends with some popular people (who aren’t assholes) because they seem like legitimately nice people, but, sadly, I have pretty rocky social anxiety. That’s not even the bad part, my friends. The part that scares me the most is that I can’t just go up to some new person and say “hi there, dude. what’s up?”

you know what will happen? They’ll look at me weird, and they will try to end a weird conversation with insignificant one letter answers to my statements and questions.

It’s like an invisible rulebook. Unpopular kids just cannot go up to a group of popular kids and introduce themselves without getting bored into with judging eyes.

Honestly, I long to see the day where I can easily converse with anyone I please, but I know that isn’t going to come soon.

There is a big, long list of people I’d kill to be friends with but can’t because of my shyness and the infamous “rules” that apply to the horrible, ugly, neverending hell hole that we call highschool.

Damn, I can’t wait to get out of this place.

Peace out, and make good choices mkay?

-kisses for you and your family of nonassholes-

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