BrightfrostInTheDark: Darksong's Flare

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Title: Darksong's Flare

Reviewer: Chrome (Riddivalion)

Author: BrightfrostInTheDark 

Book Summary/Description:

-There are 18 chapters, and if you read the book in one sitting, it may take around two hours, depending on how fast of a reader you are.

-Darksong experiences a great tragedy, and over time terrible events occur as a result of that.

Admin(s) Personal Review:

It's a unique book, in my opinion. Shortly after the book began, action started and didn't stop until the last chapter. The book can make you sympathize with all characters, even the "bad" ones.

"Eye-popping" Characteristics:

-The book lets you see through the eyes of a villain most of the time, which is rare.

-There are new ranks introduced at some point, which fit well into a Clan that has gone dark.

-It takes place after ThunderClan's existence, but with no information on what happened.

Ratings (all out of 10, add up to 100 for final score):

- Character and Character Development (Are characters vivid and well-developed? Do they make notable progression throughout the story?) : 7/10

- Plot (Is it unique? Is it interesting? Does it make sense?) : 7/10

- Clarity (Is the story able to be read easily? Does it make sense?) : 9/10

- Organization (Is it organized well? Do the paragraphs flow easily? Is time in the book itself not rushed forward i.e. writer doesn't skip moons too often) : 9/10

- Grammar (Self-explanatory. Mistakes in spelling/punctuation are rare, common, etc) : 9/10

- Variety (Are the words and sentence structure varied? Do they flow well? Is the story well-articulated?) : 10/10

- Interesting-ness (Do you maintain interest throughout the story?) : 10/10

- Detail (Is the setting vivid? Is the story very descriptive and detailed? Can you imagine it in your mind?) : 10/10

- Emotion/Thought (Does the story make you emotional at times? Does it invoke thought? Feelings of excitement or sadness?) : 8/10

- Appeal (How does the cover look? Does the short book description draw readers in? Is the book and writing itself appealing?) : 6/10

Final Rating: 85/100

(90+ is excellent, one of the best warriors fanfictions on Wattpad)

(80+ is good, minor mistakes/problems, but still very good quality.)

(70+ is average, moderate number of mistakes/problems, but enjoyable overall)

(60+ is poor, high number of mistakes/problem, may be interesting to some)

(50 or below, significant number of mistakes/problems, not enjoyable)

Why you recommend reading/avoiding the fanfiction:  

  I recommend reading Darksong's Flare, for several reasons. One of them is how interesting the story is. Sometimes the chapters ended without a cliffhanger, which I appreciated in this case. The book was so interesting, I read until it was over, then sat there thinking about what happened.

The fact that you get to see the motives for horrible actions, and see the aftermath of those actions is nice, and there's even a sequel to the book, which I hope will be as good, or better, than the first book in the series.

I'm pretty sure there were only four mistakes. I checked everywhere I could, and the most I could find was four, which is great. A lot of the times, even published books let mistakes through, and more often than in this book, so that's another plus. The vocabulary was also good, not continually using simple and ineffective words.

If any of this has interested you, go check it out! The book was well worth my time, and will be to yours as well. 

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