hakunacrown: Predator

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Title: Predator

Reviewer: Aqua (-Aqua_Storm- )

Author: The author who wrote this story is @hakunacrown. She is currently in progress of making a sequel to Predator which will be called Prey.

Book Summary/Description:

- The fanfiction is a short story with 150+ chapters, a few sentences per chapter.

- Okapipaw is the main character with a very malignant personality, making her interesting to read about.

Admin(s) Personal Review:

I liked the format of the book, it was original to keep the chapters short. I also took notice that there were word translations for the unique word use of the characters, which was very useful. From the very beginning of the book I was hooked(not going to tell why because spoilers xD find out yourself) and I wanted to read more to discover - What happens to Okapipaw in the end?

"Eye-popping" Characteristics:

- The POV is in first person which we don't see all the time in a Warriors fanfic.

- The characters' word use was very interesting/different in this book, which made the dialogue original.

Ratings (all out of 10, add up to 100 for final score):

- Character and Character Development (Are characters vivid and well-developed? Do they make notable progression throughout the story?) : 6/10

- Plot (Is it unique? Is it interesting? Does it make sense?) : 9/10

- Clarity (Is the story able to be read easily? Does it make sense?) : 9/10

- Organization (Is it organized well? Do the paragraphs flow easily? Is time in the book itself not rushed forward i.e. writer doesn't skip moons too often) : 10/10

- Grammar (Self-explanatory. Mistakes in spelling/punctuation are rare, common, etc) : 10/10

- Variety (Are the words and sentence structure varied? Do they flow well? Is the story well-articulated?) : 9/10

- Interesting-ness (Do you maintain interest throughout the story?) : 10/10

- Detail (Is the setting vivid? Is the story very descriptive and detailed? Can you imagine it in your mind?) : 7/10

- Emotion/Thought (Does the story make you emotional at times? Does it invoke thought? Feelings of excitement or sadness?) : 8/10

- Appeal (How does the cover look? Does the short book description draw readers in? Is the book and writing itself appealing?) : 8/10

Final Rating: 86/100

(90+ is excellent, one of the best warriors fanfictions on Wattpad)

(80+ is good, minor mistakes/problems, but still very good quality.)

(70+ is average, moderate number of mistakes/problems, but enjoyable overall)

(60+ is poor, high number of mistakes/problem, may be interesting to some)

(50 or below, significant number of mistakes/problems, not enjoyable)

Why you recommend reading/avoiding the fanfiction:

I recommend reading this book because it was very well organized, original, and absolutely no grammar or spelling mistakes were made which makes this book very enjoyable to read.

For the format of this book it can be difficult to be writing so many chapters even though there is only a sentence or two per chapter, it can get hard for the author to organize and maintain all the chapters and such, yet it pulled through.

For originality of the book, I thought that the unique language used by the characters was very intriguing. The setting also seemed different as well, not near a lake, in a forest, or in the mountains, which plenty of fan-fictions seem to take place in nowadays. Also, the main character was a villain this time, which we don't normally see, usually the goody-goodies are the main characters, so that was good too.

As for the no spelling or grammar mistakes, there's not much to explain for that, just that the author did a good job with it.

There wasn't much room for character development which is just about the only flaw, however it's completely understandable since the book is a short-story, but besides that, I say that this book is very appealing to read and viewers should go and check it out.

Good job, Hakuna!

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