Chapter 11

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Kai raises his hands and moves forward. “Lina, wait! Lina!”

I scramble to my feet and start to run. I have no idea where I am going, but anywhere is better than with him. I glance back over my shoulder. He’s not following me.

I slam into something and look up. “No!” I yelp.

“Lina, calm down!” Kai says, grabbing my wrists to keep me from hitting him. “Lina! I’m not going to hurt you.”

“How did you do that?” I stammer. “You—you were behind me!”

“You didn’t…” He freezes. “I teleported. Lina…”

“S-stay away from me,” I say, pulling away from him.

“Lina!” He reaches for me again. “Lina, wait!” He grabs onto my shoulder, stopping me again. “I won’t hurt you. I’ll leave, I swear. Just tell me one thing.”

“What?” I say, resisting the urge to run and force him away from me.

“Chris, Dai, Luke, Min, Lae, Tao? Any of those names ring a bell?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say quietly. My voice shakes.

He stiffens and lets me go. He points to the pillar with a dragon etched into it. “What about that? Does that look familiar?”

I shake my head. “No. Do you know where I am?” I ask softly. “I don’t care what it takes—I just want to go home.”

He pauses, hesitating. “Wait here,” he says. “I’ll be back.”

He snaps his fingers and vanishes in a puff of black smoke.

I shiver and wrap my arms around myself. Where am I? Why was Kai almost…nice to me? Who were the people he named off? Why did he ask me if they sounded familiar?

I look around. And why did he leave me here alone?

Chris rubs his temples. His eyes haven’t stopped glowing since he landed. He glances at Suho, who has been Follower’s pillow for a while. She stirs, and he turns away. He doesn’t want to look at her—or anyone.

Some of Suho’s conversation with Follower reaches his ears. “No, you’re not dead. Kai caught you before you hit the ground too hard.”

“I helped,” Luke mutters.

Chris hear’s Follower’s voice. “I’m honestly surprised at that.”

Chris lurches to his feet and marches towards Follower. “Screw being surprised, and start being grateful,” he growls.

She snorts. Suddenly, her expression grows blank as she realizes whose lap she’s been laying in. She scrambles away from Suho, who pouts.

“Am I that ugly?”

Chris growls again to himself this time as their argument continues, ending with Follower elbowing Suho in the neck. The Half Twelve’s leader grins.

“Guys, I think Follower needs a hug,” he says.

She harrumphs. “Is that what you’re going to do if you find Chaser? Hug him to death?”

“When we find Chaser,” Chris grumbles, “I’m sure you’ll know exactly what we’ll do. Suho, stop messing around.”

“Chris, calm down,” Min says coolly.

Chris turns his burning gaze on the ice power. “Calm down? Did you just tell me to calm down?

Min backs up a step.

Chris advances. “Tell me how I can be calm, when the love of my life is out there somewhere with a mass murderer out for blood or worse, and no matter how hard I try to find her, she’s always out of reach!” Flames spark at Chris’  fingertips. “Don’t you DARE tell me to be calm!”

Suddenly, Kai poofs in between the two. He looks around. Chris steps back, snuffing out his flaming fingers. “What happened? Did you find something?”

Kai glances at the angry leader. “Well…I have good news and bad news.”

Chris crosses his arms. “Well?” He snaps. “Just spill it. I don’t care what comes first.”

“Good news, then,” Kai says nervously. “I’m sure we could all use some good news…”

“Kai,” Chang warns.

The teleporter runs his fingers through his hair. “Right. I found Lina. She’s in Exoplanet.”

Tao’s eyes widen. “You found her?”

“Why didn’t you bring her back?” Chris asks, softening his voice. “Was Chaser with her?”

Kai shakes his head. “I didn’t see Chaser there. There’s more than just that…I found Lina, and she recognized me.”

“So?” Luke says, raising an eyebrow.

Kai takes a deep breath. “So… She didn’t remember any of you. Couldn’t. Only me. And she believed wholeheartedly that I was back to being my wickedly handsome Lord-of-the-Lost-City self… As in, before she met all fo you.”

“What?” Lae whispers.

“Lina…” Kai says slowly, trailing off. He takes another breath. “She doesn’t remember you.” His eyes fall on Chris. “Any of you.”

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